
Silveright UIElementCollection change notifications?

I am deriving a class from the Silverlight Panel class so that I can perform some custom positioning of the child elements of the panel. How do you find out when the collection of child items has been changed? The Panel.Children collection does not have any events indicating change notifications. Do I have to scan the Children collectio...

Silverlight databinding to locate UIElements

Is it possible to locate UIelement(s) on the visual tree in silverlight by inspecting the databinding somehow for a business object being bound. What I want to do is locate elements using a lambda expression (or any other means) from the element being bound something like: var uielements = FindAllUIElements ( (businessObject)=> { busine...

Given UIElementCollection, find all elements that have StyleA, and change them to StyleB in WPF

I've got a MyGrid.Children UIElementCollection, I would like to find all the Rectangles in it that have there styles set to StyleA, and set them to StyleB. I'd like to use LINQ if possible, so I can avoid a nasty nested loop. Something like this pseudocode: var Recs = from r in MyGrid.Children where r.Style == Styl...