
Fastest way to handle UIImagePickerController compression

What's the fastest way of getting a picture into a SQLite data store for compression, so I can return control to the user? I'm using UIImagePickerController to take pictures in my application. The problem is using the picture is quite slow, because of the speed of UIImageJPEGRepresentation. I want to push JPEG compression into a backgr...

UIImageJPEGRepresentation - memory release issue

On a iPhone app, I need to send a jpg by mail with a maximum size of 300Ko (I don't no the maximum size mail.app can have, but it's another problem). To do that, I'm trying to decrease quality until obtain an image under 300Ko. In order to obtain the good value of the quality (compressionLevel) who give me a jpg under 300Ko, I have made...

Uploading UIImage to server using UIImageJPEGRepresentation

hi all, I'm writing an app which uploads a UIImage to my server. This works perfect, as I see the pictures being added. I use the UIImageJPEGRepresentation for the image data and configure an NSMutableRequest. ( setting url, http method, boundary, content types and parameters ) I want to display an UIAlertView when the file is being up...

UIImagePickerController and the need to save the UIImage asap vs. exploiting the file backing

I've read uiimagepickercontroller uiimage memory and more and other relevant questions, but I can't get my head around one thing, and I wonder if there are people around here with experience on this particular aspect. In my app I let the user select an image from his library, ultimately resulting in an upload. (An interesting thing here...

How to display the UIImageJPEGRepresentation image in iphone sdk

Hi Guys, I want to use UIImageJPEGRepresentation to add the image in iphone, in below code i am missing some thing I don't know how to add NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:gameObj.gameThumbnails]]; UIImage *myImage=[UIImage imageWithData:data]; imageView.image=UIImageJPEGRepr...