
Mimicking the UltraGridColumnChooser's drag & drop ability

(Infragistics 2008 Vol. 3, CLR 2.0) Infragistics's UltraGrid comes with a column chooser user control, which is simply a vertical arrangement of columns with checkboxes that toggle a column's hidden state. In addition, it allows you to pick a column and drag it directly to the grid so you don't have to manually position it afterwards. (...

Need UltraTree Clone Method - Problem with reference

Hi, I have ultraTree (infragistics tree) which is created at design time and it has custom class as "Tag". I have List as member variable. I have two combo box. Based on the combo selection I'll check the List's each items "Tag". If list contains, just i pick that, otherwise i create a new UltraTree and add it to List and i assign to t...

HowTo: Highlight the selected node in a UltraTree

Hello Everyone I have a UltraTree control which selects a page to display in a UltraTabControl. I am catching an event and figure out which node in the tree I want to select. This works all fine, just one (visual) thing wont: the activated node is not highlighted in the UltraTree? This is what I am doing pageTree.ActiveNode = pageTree...

UltraTree - setting columns?

I'm using UltraTree with vb.net and I'm finding it is super easy to bind it to parent/child dataset and it populates the treeview nicely. However I need to hide certain columns, and I can't figure out how to do this in code. I can't use the designer since I'm using code to bind my dataset and that seems to override whatever I set in the...

UltraTree - MouseUp Event

Using UltraTree with WinForm and vb.net, trying to know which column was right=clicked with the mouse. How can I know this? ...

UltraTree with Dataset having Different Tables & Columns

Hello, In C#.Net application i have used UltraTree control to Bind DataSource With Different Tables ..Tree view perfectly shows ColumsSet what i need. I want to expand all nodes of tree view & also want to set all colums Fit to it Content. When I set Peroperty for Exapnd Nodes To 'ShowOnDisplay' it works fine when we expand one by one ...