
Programatic Accent Reduction in JavaScript (aka text normalization or unaccenting)

I need to compare 2 strings as equal such as these: Lubeck == Lübeck In JavaScript. Why? Well, I have an auto-completion field that's going out to a Java service using Lucene, where place names are stored naturally (as Lübeck), but also indexed as normalized text, import sun.text.Normalizer; oDoc.setNameLC = Normalizer.normalize...

javascript : remove accents in strings

How do I remove accentuated characters from a string ? Especially in IE6, I had something like this : accentsTidy = function(s){ var r=s.toLowerCase(); r = r.replace(new RegExp(/\s/g),""); r = r.replace(new RegExp(/[àáâãäå]/g),"a"); r = r.replace(new RegExp(/æ/g),"ae"); ...