
How do I fix "The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion...' ?

In the Java snippet: SyndFeedInput fr = new SyndFeedInput(); SyndFeed sf = fr.build(new XmlReader(myInputStream)); List<SyndEntry> entries = sf.getEntries(); the last line generates the warning "The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<SyndEntry>" What's an appropriate way to fix this? ...

Unchecked_Conversion in Ada

Can anyone please make me clear about the use of unchecked conversion in the Ada language.I had tried the pdf and net but all doesnt give me a clear picture to me. Now i have a small piece of code shown below: subtype Element4_Range is integer range 1..4; subtype Element3_Range is integer range 1..3; subtype Myarr_Range i...

Unchecked conversion when popping stack Java

I'm new to Java and have a question about a warning: My general code: private Stack<ArrayList> stackFrame = new Stack<ArrayList>(); private ArrayList<Object> curBlocKList = new ArrayList<Object>(); ... curBlockList = stackFrame.pop(); I'm getting: Parser.java:78: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found : java.util.ArrayLis...