
Downloading the gzip file and Uncompressing to retrieve Content using IPHONE SDK on iphone and ipod touch devices.

Hi, I had the following questions related to downloading the file from the server. a) Is it possible to download directly the GZIP (Compressed)file to the iphone device using IPHONE SDK. b) If the compressed file can be downloaded , then how to uncompress it(using ZLIB or else...). Thank u. ...

zlib iPhone - files get crap in beginning

I've got a couple of .tgz-files in my bundle that I want to uncompress and write to file. I've got it working - sort of. The problem is that the file written gets 512 bytes of crap data in front of it, but other than that, the file is uncompressed successfully. I don't want the crap. If it's always 512 bytes, it is of course easy to j...

Gracefully convert .rar to .zip using Python

I'm currently making system call to "unrar and zip" commands. It interrupts and requires me to enter password while encounter password propected archives. Is it possible to let it run and return a "unsuccessful" value to main program on any error or password prompt? Can we natively use rarfile and zipfile library to do the job without ...

Uncompress BZIP2 archive

Hi all, I can uncompress zip, gzip, and rar files, but I also need to uncompress bzip2 files as well as unarchive them (.tar). I haven't come across a good library to use. I am using Java along with Maven so ideally, I'd like to include it as a dependency in the POM. What libraries do you recommend? Thanks, Walter ...

how to unpack the contents of a javascript file?

Hi all! You know how those packed js files look like, right? eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){ ... } ('obfuscated-string'.split('|'),0,{})) It just so happens to be that i have to tweak some large legacy code that looks like that and i want to find a way to turn this into a more readable version. If that's not possible, can i at least get ...

Uncompress GZIPed HTTP Response in Java

Hi, I'm trying to uncompress a GZIPed HTTP Response by using GZIPInputStream. However I always have the same exception when I try to read the stream : java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid bit length repeat My HTTP Request Header: GET www.myurl.com HTTP/1.0\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/201...

How to extract a rar file in C#?

I want to extract .rar files using cmd shell so I wrote this code: string commandLine = @"c:\progra~1\winrar\winrar e c:\download\TestedU.rar c:\download"; ProcessStartInfo PSI = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe"); PSI.RedirectStandardInput = true; PSI.RedirectStandardOutput = true; PSI.RedirectStandardError = true; PSI.UseShellExecute = ...

uncompress zlib network packet from hex

Hi, I am reversing some kind of protocol and it looks like it is using zlib compression, the current packet is : 170300002009254CBCE1DC7A5578D1588577EF63AE8DDCA721FFCA453775BCA7375CB65EE31703000090AA883A355CB9A7450EA7BA8D485C655EB5FCB71E22F274E9FF03F326296E7F2D5960AB7CFB2986C4985D6B7D33BE2C7348142D738B522C3B89AA3723A5CADB9C3DF124B3AB4...

jmeter proxy: how to unzip traffic during / before recording

Hi, the http traffic I'm interested in to record is gzipped (the client sends zipped data to the server). The result is recorded binary traffic which cannot be easy modified. It's very difficult to modify the client in order to suppress compression. So my question: Is there an option or extension for the proxy to uncompress the client t...