
Open-source US- state status display

I was wondering if anyone knew of an Open-source project for displaying numbers for the US states. Specifically, you always see these graphics with California in dark grey, Montana in green, etc. Based on some sort of criteria. I'm thinking of building one for a site I maintain, but I was hoping I might not have to reinvent the wheel....

Is there a JQuery plugin to represent a United Stated Dollar input field?

I need to represent a U.S. Dollar amount input field. I'd like to have some AJAX feedback to format it with a "$" sign and keep two decimal places (and also disallow letters and non digits.) Anyone know of an existing project or have a few quick tips to roll my own? ...

Legal Content For US Websites

Does anyone know of any good resources for guidance on required legal content for US websites? ...

Django/jquery: Address forms - dyamically adding state drop down list if country is United States?

I have a django html form for address information. There is standard street, city, state/province, postal code, country fields. The country field is a drop down list. How can I make the state/province field a drop down list if the selected country is united states and a free form text box if the country is anything else? I'd prefer n...