
I can't delete this local svn working directory on windows

i want to delete just my local working copy (no server changes) and i am getting the following error: Cannot delete dir-prop-base: access is denied Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use. I have tried using Unlocker but it says that no process has a handle to this and when i selec...

How do I unlock a folder programatically in .Net?

Basically I want to do what Unlocker does, only from code. I want to unlock all access to a folder (and files under it / subfolders), so I can subsequently delete it. ...

Deleting locked files with Java?

We have to delete some directories and their contents using Java running on Windows. I was worried about running into the directory files being locked. We could just invoke Unlocker to do the delete. Or is there a more Java centric way to handle this situation? ...

After removing a Visual Studio Project from a Solution cannot delete the folder in windows

When I 'Remove' a project from a Visual Studio solution I often want to delete it. As some other posts on SO have mentioned this does not delete the physical project from the file system. The larger problem here is that after removing the project form the solution when I attempt to delete the directory from windows Explorer or the comma...