
How to embed an unobtrusive flash?

I have an embedded flash that is transparent so it looks like part of the background. I achieved that by setting wmode to transparent. My problem is that the area underneath the flash becomes inaccessible, even though the flash is transparent. Therefore I cannot click on any links or buttons that are under the flash object. How do I ma...

Best way to include unobtrusive information on a web page

So I've got some scripts I've written which set up a Google map on my page. These scripts are in included in the <head> of my page, and use jQuery to build the map with markers generated from a list of addresses on the page. However, I have some exact co-ordinate data for each address which the javascript requires to place the markers c...

Creating a record for an association unobtrusively when attempting access?

I have a simple has_one/belongs_to relationship between two models. This is a new association in my application so there are many records that do not yet have the associated record created. Throughout my application I'm assuming the model has the association and I'm accessing its attributes and methods. However, because the associatio...

Unobtrusive JavaScript - Safe Attributes?

I'm working on separating JavaScript code from my HTML. I currently have code that looks like this: <div onclick="return do_something_with('100566');" class="clickable">Click Me!</div> I'd like to swap the onclick to an attribute containing just the parameter I'm passing to the method. I'm using jQuery for this with the following ty...

SOA, unobtrusive JavaScript

Hi, Let us say I have a restful web service which can deal with DTOs in json format to perform a CRUD operation. Let us also say I use jquery in an unobtrusive way to serialise my form at the frontend using: JSON.stringify What can I do to ensure that everything works even if JavaScript is switched off? Thanks. Best wishes, Chris...

CakePHP and jQuery - Unobtrusive actions

I'm trying to make an unobtrusive action for deleting bookmarks in CakePHP. Allthough it's working just fine, I suspect there must be a better way to do this. Could someone please point me in the right direction? function delete($id = null) { $ok = $this->Bookmark->delete($id); if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) { $this->autoR...