
multiple updates with one click

Imagine there are table in the page with info that few people have sent in. Someone else has to updete that info selecting an option from select menu. It selecst one option from teh list for each row and then updates info by pressing submit button. How can I update multiple entries in database with one click? It easy to do with checkboxe...

Ccross table / object update with (Db)LINQ

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me out translating a MySQL query to (Db)LINQ statement. I’ve made a test case for what I want to do, so data and structure are different than what I really want to do, but it’s just meant to get it working. In a MySQL database I have this table: CREATE TABLE `mytable1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NUL...

Help with a seemingly trivial Mysql query with if statements

I've got two fields called T1 and T2 defined as double. I'd like to set T3 with the following conditions: If T1 & T2 >0 then T3=(T1+T2)/2 If T1==0 then T3=T2 if T2==0 then T3=T1 if T1==0 & T2==0, T3=-9999 I have no idea how to include multiple if statements in the query. ...

help with Handler class to update UI - Android

Hi Everyone, I am hoping you can help me: I need to update my ui for an android app and I'm trying to use the Handler class to do it, using http://developer.android.com/resources/articles/timed-ui-updates.html and the android developer resources "Common Task" for using Handlers as guides. Basically, I need something between the two - ...