
C#: Webclient Assigning Chunk size when using AsyncUploadData

i am using Webclient to upload data using Async call to a server, WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.UploadDataAsync(uri , "PUT", buffer, userToken); i've attached DatauploadProgress and DatauploadCompleted Events to appropriate callback functions // Upload Date Progress webClient.UploadProgressCh...

WebClient AsyncUpload progress percentage always returns 50%

i am using Webclient to upload data using Async call to a server, WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.UploadDataAsync(uri , "PUT", buffer, userToken); i've attached DatauploadProgress and DatauploadCompleted Events to appropriate callback functions // Upload Date Progress webClient.UploadProgressCh...

[ASP.NET] Odd HttpRequest behaviour

I have a web service which runs with a HttpHandler class. In this class, I inspect the request stream for form / query string parameters. In some circumstances, it seemed as though these parameters weren't getting through. After a bit of digging around, I came across some behaviour I don't quite understand. See below: // The request co...