
android : Find UPnP devices from network

hi, I am making application in which i want to find the list of the UPnP devices that are connected to my network from my android application . Any idea how can i do this.. I am using the API of the cybergarage...here is the link of the repository... https://cgupnpjava.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cgupnpjava/trunk/cyberlink/upnp-stack/...

Developing App To Stream Media to UPnP devices :Android

Hi, I am making an application which Streams media from the Internet,it can be from any source like Youtube,or any url. I am able to stream media from my android device. Now i want to extend it to be streamed to UPnP devices in my network. Any help on how i can find the list of UPnP devices in my network, then share media with that de...

UPnP device library: android

Hi, has any body worked with UPnP Library for Java By Cybergarage.. https://cgupnpjava.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cgupnpjava/trunk/cyberlink/upnp-stack/src/main/java/org/ I am making android application to find the list of UPnP device from my device... any help on these most appreciable../ thanks rakesh ...

Android : UPnP not coming up properly in the native code.

Hello I have a native code that has UPnP API. Its a tested code that is working fine with the Android UI that came with the code. I have created another UI and I am trying to bring up the UPnP by calling Native UPnP API using JNI to interface my UI with the native code. The device is getting detected in the UPnP network as a UPnP enabl...

RESTful media types for audio/music collection service (with metadata)

I have a large music collection, composed of mp3 files, flac files, and others. I would like to share it with devices on my local network and computers I am using on remote networks. It seems to me that HTTP is eminently well-suited to the sharing of files and I wonder if there's anything saner than uPNP (a.k.a DLNA) that my server cou...

How to find the IP address(DHCP) of a UPNP device on the network through c# code.

I have a UPNP device plugged into the wall. It shows up in network places as a UPNP device, I can get the IP address by right clicking and and selecting properties, but I need to know how to get the IP address dynamically in c# code or though a command window could also work. ...

Programmatically add port forwarding entry into router using upnp?

Does someone have a simple example on how to add a port forwarding entry with upnp into the router using c++? ...

As simple as possible crossplatform Java UPNP hole punching library.

I need a library with simple API. Defining simple: perfect solution for me would be something like described here but addopted for crossplatform use in Java (crossplatform for me is stand alone desctop app for Win, Mac, Lin)... So how API I would like to see looks like? Like oneI have in C#: using TCMPortMapper; private void Form1_Load...

UPnP announce goes out, but device is not discovered.

i am writing code for a UPnP device to announce itself. i have no interest in it being able to discover other UPnP devices on the network. i am sending out the following messages (taken from wireshark) NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\n NT: upnp:rootdevice\r\n USN: uuid:0000-1111-2222-3333::upnp:rootdevice\r\n NTS: ssdp:alive\r\n LOCATION: http:/...

UPnPLib.dll - UPnPDevices.Count returning 0 (not right - please help)

This library comes with windows, in the windows\system32 directory, if you register it and type the following code (C#/VB.Net/VB6/Delphi either is fine): Dim devices As UPNPLib.UPnPDevices = New UPNPLib.UPnPDevices MsgBox(devices.Count) I keep getting 0, but i know this cannot be true because if i do a FindByUDN (in the UPnPDeviceFind...

Is any one using GAE for Nat traversal? (as server for keeping mappings)

So I can limit my app with UPNP NATs capable clients. I would love to see any Opensource Java project using GAE as server for keeping maps like (ClientID, IP:PORT) (with example of some on clients simple hole puncher) Is there any such project? ...

Example of simple port forwarding using any UPnP library in Java?

I want to open port 5555 on my machine using UPnP to the world. Could you please provide me with such Java sample for any sutable Opensource library. I need A CODE SAMPLE like one I can give you for C# using this lib using TCMPortMapper; private void Form1_Load() { PortMapper.SharedInstance.Start(); PortMapping pm = new PortMapping...

c# - Search for UPnP Devices like Intel UPnP Spy

Hi Guys, I've googled this topic up and down for a couple hours and found nothing... er... less than nothing... I need a simple C# script to code a UPnP Spy like the Intel Device Spy... I cannot use the intel app because in our company we're providing power meters with network abilities which are mounted as upnp devices. Some of our cu...