
REST - multiple URI for the same resource (???)

I'm writing a paper about implementing a REST service for a university's research papers and I have a small problem understanding the relationship between URIs and Resources. It says, that a resource may have one URI or many. So here is my problem. I want to make this service very easy to use and to get around the information: a resourc...

Get URI fragment (hash) to affect SEO? Get indexed by SEs?

I am building a forum site where the post is retrieved on the same page as the listing via AJAX. When a new post is shown, the URI fragment is changed (ex: .php#1_This-is-the-first-post). Also the title and meta tags are changed. My question is this. I have read that search engines aren't able to use #these-words. So therefore, my entir...

REST question: PUT one representation, GET a different one?

Short version of the question: Does "GET" at a particular URI need to match what was "PUT" to that URI? I think not. Here's why: Given that a resource is an abstract thing that is theoretically unknowable by the client, when we do a PUT, we must be only sending a representation. Based on combing over RFC2616, it doesn't seem entirely...

How to change StartupUri of WPF Application?

I am trying to modify App.cs and load the WPF XAML files from code behind but its not working as it should. No matter whatever I try to set as StartupUri it doesnt start, the program quits after this. public partial class App : Application { protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); ...

Decoding URI related entities with Perl

I may not even be referring to this the proper way so my apologies in advance. Our server logs are constantly showing us an encoded style of attack. An example is below.... http://somecompany.com/script.pl?var=%20%D1%EB........ (etc etc) I am familiar with encoding and decoding HTML entities using Perl (using HTML::Entities) but I am ...

Zend Framework URI space encoding in PHP and Javascript

I've a Zend Framework URI like /controller/action/var1/value1/var2/value2 . Value2 has a space character in it. How should I encode it in PHP? When I use urlencode with value2, this converts space into '+' instead of '%20f'. Is that ok? This value2 is also added to a href location by javascript on client side. I'm using escape functio...

To receive URL after change

After authorisation on www.vkontakte.ru through ie8 me spans on page: www.vkontakte.ru/MyPage. But I cannot receive www.vkontakte.ru/MyPage through a code HttpWebRequest authRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri("http://vkontakte.ru/login.php", UriKind.Absolute)); authRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieCon...

UriBuilder and "../../" in uri

I need to combine two urls, but it seems that UriBuilder doesn't support url's with ../../ in them. Is my only option to code this by hand? I'm trying something like this : Uri pageUri = new Uri("http://site.com/a/b/c.html"); string redirectUrl = "../../x.html"; UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(pageUri); builder.Path += redirectUrl;...

URI manipulation in .NET compact framework

What's the best way to manipulate URIs in .NET compact framework? I basically need to load up a URL string, then allow the user to change the "Scheme" and "Host" values. I've been using the Uri class so far, but it's essentially immutable, so you can't really modify any of the components of the Uri, once it's initialized. The UriBuild...

mvc.net DateTime with Time part in URI

I have a set of actions that are returning time-series data with-in ranges specifiable to the minute. They work fine with querystrings, i.e. /mycontroller/myaction?from=20091201 10:31&to=20091202 10:34 with or without URL encoded colons, but I thought it would be nice to have a pretty URL /mycontroller/myaction/from-20091201 10:31/to-2...

Encoding URIs with foreign characters

I want to display characters like "é,ë,ñ,עברית" as is in the urls. How can I do that? When I type something like "page.php?name=é" it turns the url into "page.php?name=%E9", not what I desire. There seems to be a problem with .htaccess when rewriting the url, it would just output error message. How can I fix it? (this is the rule btw): ...

Difference between URI and URL

Possible Duplicate: What's the difference between a URI and a URL? If you read the documentation of CodeIgniter or Kohana, there is a lot of confusion about the usage of URI and URL. Sometimes they use one and other times the other. They also incorporate URI class which makes it easier working with URLs. I know that: URI st...

how to get base uri of referencing xaml in a custom control

I have an custom control, which has an Image element with its Source property exposed to user, like this <ControlTemplate> <Image x:Name="PART_Image" Source="{Binding ImageUri, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"/> </ControlTemplate> where ImageUri is an property in the control class, like this public Uri ImageUri {...

How do you ask gstreamer if a file can be played?

I'm trying to write a simple command line audio player using the Python Gstreamer bindings. Is there a function in the gstreamer API that determines in advance whether or not a particular file (URI) can be decoded and played by the currently installed set of codecs? ...

Incorrect new Uri(base, relative) behaviour in .NET

When you create a new Uri like this: New Uri(New Uri("http://example.com/test.php"),"?x=y") it returns: http://example.com/?x=y It was supposed to return: http://example.com/test.php?x=y according to the every major browser out there (I'm not quite sure what RFC says though). Is this is a bug or is there any other function out ...

URI and jQuery help

Is it possible o get the URI with javascript or is possible to break apart the href of the link and if so how, I am trying to run some ajax that has hover and click events and the method call for each ajax is the same so I need to be able get the unique ID that is passed in the URI. ...

Get a File or URI object for a file inside an archive with Java?

Hi, is it possible to get a File or URI object for a file inside an archive with Java? (zip or jar archive) Thanks Hemeroc. ...

Apache routing to ISS - SSL Port issue

How things works (or should): We have lots of clients apps set on IIS but Apache is the one that receives all conections (from port 443) and redirect them to the corresponding port on the IIS server. The problem is: our application is building the URLs based on the IIS port (final port) instead of Apache's (default 443) one, even tho t...

Validate Uri using a ConfigurationValidator or other validator

In a custom configuration section of a config file I want to have properties or elements define a new scheme, host and port for a service endpoint, but not define the path. So these should be allowed https://newhost/ or http://newhost:800, but not newhost:800, http://newhost/path/to/service. What would be the best option to implement? ...

HttpWebRequest and Uri change requestUri

Hi fellows, I have one problem with HttpWebRequest and Uri class of .NET framework (i use 3.5 version). When i try to do a simple request to page with url like this http://somedomain.net/-hello-world:misc./Items.bok, Uri remove "." before last "/". Is there any ability to prevent it. Thanks in advance. ...