
A Delphi/FreePascal lib or function that emulates the PHP's function parse_url

I'm doing a sitemap producer in Object Pascal and need a good function or lib to emulate the parse_url function on PHP. Does anyone know of any good ones? ...

Question on dynamic URL parsing

I see many, many sites that have URLs for individual pages such as http://www.mysite.com/articles/this-is-article-1 http://www.mysite.com/galleries/575 And they don't redirect, they don't run slowly... I know how to parse URL's, that's easy enough. But in my mind, that seems slow and cumbersome on a dynamic site. As well, if the pa...

Parsing URLs using PHP

Hi, I have posted a similar question here. However, this was more about getting advice on what to do. Now that I know what to do, I am looking for a little help on how to do it! Basically I have a website that is pretty much 100% dynamic. All the website links are generated using PHP and all the pages are made up of php includes/code. ...

How can I break an url and store the key-words into database using php

Like http:webmail.wipro.com#a:?b; I want to break this url and store only webmail and wipro into my database. Can any one help me out with this please. Using php. ...

Does Grails have a neat way of copy domain properties from a URL query string?

I know Grails has a map based constructor for domain objects, to which you can pass the params of a URL to and it will apply the appropriate field settings to the object using introspection, like this... myDomainInstance = new MyObject(params) I was wondering whether there was an equivalent method of taking the params and applying the...

how to parse URLs in c using sscanf() ?

Hi, this is my c code that reads a list of URLs from a file , and tries to separate the various parts of the URL.. This is just rough parsing , i'm not bothered about special cases.. I guess there is some fault with the sscanf() statement , when i run this , i get " segmentation FAULT" .. and moreover , the full url is being assigned t...

How to identify the top level domain of a URL object using java ?

Hi , Given this : URL u=new URL("someURL"); How do i identify the top level domain of the URL.. ...

How to get the last path in the url ?

Hi, I would like get the last path segment in a URL: http://blabla/bla/wce/news.php or http://blabla/blablabla/dut2a/news.php For example, in these two URLs, I want to get the path segment: 'wce', and 'dut2a'. I try to use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], but I get the whole URL path. ...

Parse request URL in JSTL

I want to display a specific message based on the URL request on a JSP. the request URL can be: /app/cars/{id} OR /app/people/{id} On my messages.properties I've got: events.action.cars=My car {0} event events.action.people=My person {1} event Finally, on my JSP page I want to have the following code: <spring:message code="ev...

how can multiple trailing slashes can be removed from an url in Ruby

Hello, What i'm trying to achieve here is lets say we have two example urls: url1 "http://emy.dod.com/kaskaa/dkaiad/amaa//////////" & url2 = "http://www.example.com/". How can I extract the striped down urls? url1 : "http://emy.dod.com/kaskaa/dkaiad/amaa" & url2 to "http://http://www.example.com"? URI.parse in ruby sanitizes certa...

javascript plain text url parsing

I'm trying to search plain old strings for urls that begin with http, but all the regex I find doesn't seem to work in javascript nor can I seem to find an example of this in javascript. This is the one I'm trying to use from here and here: var test = /\b(?:(?:https?|ftp|file)://www\.|ftp\.)[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$]...

Parsing a list into a url string

I have a list of tags that I would like to add to a url string, separated by commas ('%2C'). How can I do this ? I was trying : >>> tags_list ['tag1', ' tag2'] >>> parse_string = "http://www.google.pl/search?q=%s&amp;restofurl" % (lambda x: "%s," %x for x in tags_list) but received a generator : >>> parse_string 'http://&lt;generator...

remove session id from url

Hi! I want to develope simple web crawler, to grabb pages from several web sites and maintain them in actual condition. Some of this sites has session ids on each link, they doesn't store sesion ids in cookies at all. So, if i will parse site several times - my parsing table will containts dublicate pages with difference only in session...