
View referenced by two urls and url tag

I am using url tag in my template for a view, that is used by two different urls. I am getting the wrong url in one place. Is there any way to force django to retrieve different url? Why it doesn't notify my, that such conflict occured and it doesn't know what to do (since python zen says, that is should refuse temptation to guess). Cod...

django url tag performance

I was trying to integrate django-voting into my project following the RedditStyleVoting instruction. In my urls.py, i did something like this: url(r'^sections/(?P<object_id>\d+)/(?P<direction>up|down|clear)vote/?$', vote_on_object, dict( model=Section, template_object_name='section', template_name='s...

How to do reverse URL search in Django namespaced reusable application

Consider that I include namespaced reusable application: urlpatterns = patterns('', # ella urls url('^ella/', include('ella.core.urls', namespace="ella")), ) Now, the Ella applications has urls like that: urlpatterns = patterns( '', url( r'^(?P<category>[a-z0-9-/]+)/$', category_detail, name="category_detail" ), # obj...