
URLLoader.load() issue when using the same URLRequest

Hello, I have an issue with my eventListeners with the URLLoader, but this issue happens in IE, not in FF. public function getUploadURL():void { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); request.url = getPath(); request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET; _loader = new URLLoader(); _loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderData...

Reading server error messages for a URLLoader

Hello, I have an URL loader with the following code: public function getUploadURL():void { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); var url:String = getPath(); // Adds time to prevent caching url += "&time=" + new Date().getTime(); request.url = url; request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET; _loader = ...

What is the difference between URLLoader and URLRequest in Actionscript?

What is the difference between URLLoader and URLRequest in Actionscript? ...

URLLoader handler in child movie not being called.

Hi I am writing a flex application that has a MainMovie that loads flex programs (ChildMovie) depending on what the user selects in the MainMovie. below is some pseudocode to help me describe my problem hopefully. class MainMovie{ private var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); public function callPHPfile(param:String, loader:...

System.setClipboard() inside event handler

Any thoughts on a good way to accomplish something along the lines of var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://myurl.com"); var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(event:Event):void { System.setClipboard(loader.data); }); in actionscript 3? It seems as if System.setClipboard() ...

URLLoader at Actionscript

At the URLLoader reference there is the following example: private function completeHandler(event:Event):void { var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target); } I cannot understand the URLLoader(event.target) syntax. It's not a call to the constructor, it's not a method invocation or a static method inv...

Why is my URLLoader returning no data?

in AS3 I'm trying to load a URL (a Yahoo address) into the application so I can process the source code and pull things out of it. However, when I load it, or any other page, I get 0 bytes back. Here's my current code. private function doSearch():void { var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://yahoo.com"); ...

URLLoader doesn't even try to load. Error #2032: Stream Error

I am trying to use URLLoader to load an XML file from server (same domain as swf). This should be too simple but I am getting Error #2032: Stream Error If I trace the HTTP status event it just shows status=0 though I have read that Mozilla doesn't supply status codes to Flash Player so maybe it's not informative. I have sniffed the HTT...

Flex Multipart Upload Progress

I am uploading a file to a server using a multipart URLLoader. I am able to upload the file fine. I have tried to listen to the progress event on the URLLoader but it only fires at the very end of the upload. How do I get the progress event more consistently through the upload? ...