
jboss valve encoding problem while url rewriting

Hi all, I have an app., coded with ejb3, jsf and maven, which runs on jboss 4.2.2GA The problem I have been facing for 2 days is I cannot convert non-english characters that are added to url on runtime. For instance, there is a search textbox and a button. When a user enters a word including non-english characters, and pushes the butto...

URL Rewrite for multilingual Website

Hello, I have a problem: I have an URL like that : /eng/myfolder/mycategory.aspx I would like to transform it in something like: index.aspx?FolderId=2&LanguageId=1&CategoryID=12 In a word I want to "write" that, eng => languageId=2 and myfolder => FolderId=2 and mycategory..... I don't know if i make myself clear but I was t...

Some help please for URL rewrite IIS 2.0

Hello, I have a problem: I have an URL like that : /eng/myfolder/mycategory.aspx I would like to transform it in something like: index.aspx?FolderId=2&LanguageId=1&CategoryID=12 In a word I want to "write" that, eng => languageId=2 and myfolder => FolderId=2 and mycategory..... I don't know if i make myself clear but Thanks. ...

URL ReWriter for .NET

I am using this, but I have some hard to solve problems. This is part of my code: <rewrite url="/Dictionary/(.+)/(.+)" to="~/Dictionary.aspx?page=$2&amp;&amp;word=$1"/> <rewrite url="/Dictionary" to="~/Dictionary.aspx"/> When I type links like mywebsite.com/Dictionary/cat/4 the site loads only mywebsite.com/Dictionary. ...

ASP.net/MVC file upload with URL rewrite enabled

I came across this interesting problem with an ASP.net MVC website, there is an Action method to process uploaded files and it works fine with cassini webserver but when I tried with IIS in my hosting machine the upload fails, after spending lot of time I noticed that it is because of the URL rewite rules inside set to change the incomin...

How to efficiently create facebook-like url-rewriting in asp.net

Hello all, I'm currently looking into url-rewriting and how it should be done right and hope you have some inputs here. At the current stage of development only the kind of url-rewriting I'm interested in is adding facebook like behavior to businesses to which we provide services on our site, i.e. www.mysite.com/ShowBusinessInfo.aspx?i...

struts2, problem with oc4j

Hi, I am having trouble using urlrewrite with oc4j ( It works perfectly on tomcat (6.0). I am not able to forward to struts2 actions. My web.xml: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"> <display-name>Struts Blank</display-name> <filter> <filter-name>UrlRewriteFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.tuckey...

URLRewrite IIS 7 Help Needed

Hi, Here is my settings for IIS 7 URL Rewrite: <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Rewrite to article.aspx"> <match url="^Articles/([0-9]+)/([_0-9a-z-]+)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="articledetails.aspx?articleid={R:1}&amp;title={R:2}" /> </rule> </rules> </rewri...

Assigning an absolute url to webresources.axd and Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd

Im working on a project where i am implementing a friendly url system using the url rewite module in ii7. This is all good and works great. My only issue is that webresources.axd and Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd both have relative paths. This causes lots of issues when the url is http://domain.com/some_page_name/ <script src="/WebRe...

Redirect all URI to index.php, despite existence

Hello, I have a main page, index.php and I would like to redirect all URI to index.php despite the existence of the file/directory in the server. Basically, I would like to give priority to index.php over htaccess. Currently, I have the following: ... RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ...

Umbraco 4.5 in a virtual directory with umbracoUseDirectoryUrls

I've installed Umbraco 4.5 in a virtual directory on my web server (server/cms). When I edit web.config and set umbracoUseDirectoryUrls = "true", the URLs generated don't contain the virtual directory (i.e. server/page instead of server/cms/page). How can I get umbracoUseDirectoryUrls to work with an instance of Umbraco that lives in a...

app_offline on IIS7 with PHP

I'm running PHP on my IIS 7 Server and I would like to get something similar to the ASP.NET app_offline.htm functionality. Just putting app_offline into the directory did not work. Maybe there is a good rewrite rule that would just forward all requests to app_offline? My first try resulted into a redirect loop, so not sure what I did w...

Spring excluding pages from urlrewrite rule set on root

Hi guys. Here is the simple explanation of the problem: I have a controller RedirectController so that I want to handle everything like http://mydomain/** However, still I want need to redirect http://mydomain/ to index controller (or index.jspx whatever) and most probably I need to exclude /help /about URLs in the future. The current...

Rewrite rule to map locations to static files

What I want to do it rewrite urls for a bunch of static pages in a locations folder such that /london maps to the physical file if it exist in the locations folder eg. /locations/london.aspx Is this possible with url rewrite. I can't get the rule to work. <rule name="Rewrite Locations"> <match url="^([_0-9a-z-]+)/*" /> ...

Find urlRewrite rule

I am developing a webshop and I'm making it SEO friendly, so I use urlRewrite to have a "nice" and "clean" URL. I am having products in categories, and I'm having filters for products search. I would like to have something like: www.website.com/motor-oils/filters/volume-1L/weight-4Kg/price-500/ i would use the following rule: Rewri...

Regular Expression Exact Keyword Exclusion

Hi guys I am looking for a regular expression which will not match any given string that is exactly equal to a few keywords I will determine manually. The purpose is to edit my urlrewrite.xml which can accept regexps in following format <rule> <from>^/location/([A-Z]+)/name/([A-Z]+)</from> <to>/login?name=$2&location=$1</to>...

Problem with duplicate urls after rewrite

Hello, Can you help me solve this problem, please. In my .htaccess file I used this rewrite rule: rewriteRule ^country/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)/(.*)?$ search.php?loc1=$1&loc2=$2&loc3=$3 [L] To get this kind of urls: /country/13/196/2693/germany/frankfurt Everything works fine, but I get unwanted duplicate URLs also: /...

IIS7 url rewrite web.config section

Hello, I have made a config section in my web.config file that has all rewrite rules like the following <rewrite> <outboundRules> <rule name="OutboundRewriteCatalogURL" preCondition="ResponseIsHtml1"> <match filterByTags="A" pattern="^(.*/)Catalog\.aspx\?Catalog=([^=&amp;]+)&amp;(?:amp;)?Title=([^=&am...

Why URLRewriter.NET doesn't get querystring values?

I just started using URLRewriter.net with my blog and I have a problem with getting the query string values. I have a rule setting like: <rewrite url="~/blog.aspx(\?.+)?$" to="~/hiddenFolder/blog.aspx?mode=default&amp;$2"/> But when I try to access /blog.aspx?page=1 the page parameter is not passed. Other parameters work great and...

.htaccess question - URL-rewriting.

Hello. I have an issue with URL-rewriting in .htaccess. Here is .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /community/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^view-all-results$ forums/index.php?view=view-all-results [R=302] RewriteRule ^view-all-results/$ forums/index.php?view=view-all-r...