



I am developing a webshop and I'm making it SEO friendly, so I use urlRewrite to have a "nice" and "clean" URL.

I am having products in categories, and I'm having filters for products search.

I would like to have something like:

i would use the following rule:

RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/filters/(.*) index.php?mn=products&category=$1&filters=$2 [L]

The problem is that if I have for example a specification like: "box weight" and having value: "2Kg", the url part would be "/box-weight-2Kg/" . The rule won't give a uniq resolution: it could be:

a. specification: box-weight ; value: 2Kg and
b. specification: box ; value: weight 2Kg

I would need a solution for this problem. I have tried to use another delimiter in the url between the specification and the selected value, like double slash "//" but it won't work. In the same time I need to have SEO-friendly URL.