
UrlRewritingNet: Find out if the current url has been rewritten

I am using UrlRewritingNet. I would like to know if there is an effective way to tell, during the page life cycle, whether the currently requested url has been rewritten by UrlRewritingNet or not. I know that I can compare Request.RawUrl with Request.Url but I want to specifically know if it was UrlRewritingNet that did the rewriting. ...

UrlRewritingNet extensionless page causes multiple hits when IIS wildcard set

I am using UrlRewritingNet to provide me with extensionless page names http://mydomain.com/PageCode translates to http://mydomain.com/default.aspx?Code=PageCode Everything worked fine in Casini, however When deploying to IIS 6 I had to turn on the wildcard filter to allow the extenionless page to be processed. When turning on the wil...