
How do you resolve a URN?

I have an XML schema file which references a urn based location. Is there some way to resolve this into a url, or some way to actually read the file it refers to. <xs:include schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:tblDeclGrp.xsd:1.1"/> ...

JAXB: How do I annotate classes so that they belong to different namespaces?

Hello! I want to have JAXB-annotated classes which would be marshalled/unmarshalled to different XML namespaces. What I need is something like: <someRootElement xmlns="urn:my:ns1" xmlns:a="urn:my:ns2" xmlns:b="urn:my:ns3"> <someElement/> <a:someElement/> <b:someElement/> </someRootElement> How can it be done? Can it be ...

URN for MIME Type

Hi there, Does an official URN for the MIME type exist? Mozilla Firefox and other applications use notations like "urn:mimetype:text/plain" or "urn:mimetype:handler:text/plain". There are two problems with this approach: No "mimetype" namespace exists according to the IANA's official registry (http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-name...

RDF and uuid. why no urn schema ?

<rdf:Description about='uuid:8949dbc6-31ad-11d9-9c7d-d112c21f7031'> Why this about does not contain urn:uuid:8949dbc6-31ad-11d9-9c7d-d112c21f7031 instead? Isn't the uuid a urn, and therefore required to have a urn: scheme in front of it ? ...

Problem in accessing wsdl from URL(http) from bpel

HI, I want to access wsdl file that is imported in bpel definition, can i do that or i will have to create local copy and then use it? Because whenever it run the process it gives me this: FATAL - GeronimoLog.fatal(116) | openResource: invalid scheme (should be urn:) http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Inverse?wsdl I am using ODE en...