
USB drive programming with .NET

I am working on a project where I need to access some specific addresses of a USB drive (e.g. sector 0), and change some bytes. I have done some parts with C# already that includes user interface, detection of USB drives etc. Can anybody help me providing some links so that I can access specific addresses of USB drives with .NET? ...

C# app doesn't work properly in windows 7

I'm working with a C# sample application (taken from here : The sample app and the source code are available in the .zip file. When I run the app in Windows XP, it is working correctly. But the same app, when I run in Windows 7, it is not working correctly. You can try run the WindowsApp...

different between card reader to usb using c#

hello, I build a scanner that takes all drive's with DriveInfo . how i Discerning between drive from card reader and drive from usb ?? thanks.... ...

reverse engineer out of date closed source application

I have an application called quiksilver which is designed to communicate with a microprocessor controlled electronic vacuum pump. The software is buggy and out of date and I am hoping to find someone who can help me create an open source alternative that is able to communicate to the device. I am into IT but I am by no means an experie...

Mac sample code using USB and CFRunLoopSource

I'm trying to (re-)write a program that uses USB controlled scanners. I've got my USBIOInterfaceInterface set up, so I can send and receive messages over the pipes. I am successfully calling WritePipeTO and ReadPipeTO synchronously but I want to read from the scanner asynchronously. I've tried using ReadPipeAsyncTO, but the callback nev...

usb pnp events on windows

is it possible to enumerate usb devices on Windows with python? could someone provide an example if its possible ...

WDK (Windows Driver Kit) and VC++ headers problem

Hi, I'm trying to read from an USB HID device, I know how to do it in C# using DLLImport hid.dll, but I want to do it from C++, this way I don't have to declare all the structures, etc, and just include the headers files. So I downloaded the WDK and then when including the headers files and linking the libraries I'm getting a lot of er...

Fixing gaps in streamed USB data

We have a hardware system with some FPGA's and an FTDI USB controller. The hardware streams data over USB bulk transfer to the PC at around 5MB/s and the software is tasked with staying in sync, checking the CRC and writing the data to file. The FTDI chip has a 'busy' pin which goes high while its waiting for the PC to do its business. ...

ComboBox that shows all removable devices

I have a combobox (ItemsSource="{Binding Path=AvailableDrives}"). The AvailableDrives property is defined like this: public List<DriveInfo> AvailableDrives { get { return DriveInfo.GetDrives().Where(x => x.DriveType == DriveType.Removable).ToList(); } } It works OK, but i would like that i...

Is it illegal to use the USB logo in your application?

I thought I could use this icon (free for commercial use) in an application to indicate that a USB device has been plugged into the system. But someone told me that the USB logo itself can't be used without permission. I'm trying to understand the guidelines written on So far I get your product must pass the "USB-IF Test Proced...

Custom USB protocols for mobile frameworks

We've developed a small embedded device that currently connects over USB to a Symbian phone (S60 framework). Development was... difficult since it was hard to find information on what we needed. Specifically, we developed a simple custom protocol on top of the USB layer to exchange arbitrary data. We're now looking at new mobile framewo...

Reading and writing to USB (HID) interrupt endpoints on Mac

I am attempting to communicate with a rather specific USB device and developing both Windows and Mac code to do so. The device is a USB device with a HID interface (class 3) with two endpoints, an interrupt input and an interrupt output. The nature of the device is such that data is sent out from the device on the input endpoint only...

DirectShow filter stalls after the unplug and reconnect of the USB camera

I'm developing a program which should be capable to handle the re-attach of the USB camera. Sounds easy. At startup I iterate the filters looking for given VID and PID by parsing the display name. Then I create the graph and everything works fine. If the camera is being unplugged I catch the graph event, destroy the graph and even releas...

usb probe function not called

Hello, I am writing a driver for a gamepad for linux. I have a ps3 controller (wired), a 360 controller (wired) and a Logitech precision (wired). I found the vendor id and product id for each, and I load one at a time. the 360 controller is the only one that calls the probe function. I have the exact same code, just different ids, and o...

USB device detection using actionscript 3 from flash

Hi Friends, Is it possible to detect usb device using actionscript 3 from flash cs4? Pls. let me know. Thanks & Regards, Sagar ...

USE WMI and WMQ to get Logical Disk and Partition Information from Win32_PnPEntity of SERVICE type USBSTOR

I am detecting when our proprietary USB device is attached to a PC. When we detect this, we get the related Win32_PnPEntity. We want to use this Win32_PnPEntity as a source of the following information: - USB Descriptor VID, PID, REV, Firmware Version. - Logical Disk Drive Volume and Partition information to get Drive Letter informatio...

Register(/bind/match) a device with a driver

Hello, I am writing a usb driver (for a gamepad) on linux, and when I plug it in, ti loads usbhid. How can I make it so it loads my driver (gp_driver)? I did the unbind usbhid and bind to my driver trick, but I don't want to do it every single time. Should I have my driver already loaded? Should I code something in my driver? I have the...

Differentiating between USB flash drive and USB hard drive on Windows

Hi, I'm trying to differentiate between a USB flash drive and a USB hard drive on Windows using the Win32 API. The GetDriveType() function will return DRIVE_REMOVABLE if the drive is removable, and USB flash drives are of course removable. But I'm thinking that Windows probably considers USB hard drives removable as well (unfortunately ...

Creating a usb time lapse for Cannon EOS Rebel XS using a c# program

I am wondering if this is even possible. I want to make my own software to control the release of the shutter via the remote shutter release. From the diagrams I have seen it has a 3.3 v (no load) and a threshold voltage of 1.8v. I am wondering if I can use limit a usb cables voltage which is around 5.25v, if I am understanding corre...

how to detect USB insertion in imac?

how to detect USB insertion in imac using objective c? im trying to write an app running in background to detect if there is any usb being inserted to the imac. is there any code to do that in objective c? ...