
How to use cobertura

I have downloaded the zip file of version cobertura- But i'm not able find how use the same with my project. Can you please help on this? Thanks in Advance. Regards, Janaki ...

When should I use `use`?

As long as I can remember, whenever I use a module I include a use line at the beginning of my code. Recently I was writing two Moose object modules that use each other. Look at this over-simplistic example: One module: package M1 0.001; use Moose; use 5.010; use namespace::autoclean; # use M2; ### SEE QUESTION BELOW has 'name' => ...

How to get rid of 'Name ... used only once: possible typo at ...' ?

use YAML::XS; local $YAML::XS::DumpCode=1; ... Name "YAML::XS::DumpCode" used only once: possible typo at .. Well, I know I can suppress this specific warning, but it's kind'a ugly. Am I doing anything wrong? I'm not used to be warned :) ...