
LDAP Authentication using DirectoryEntry

We use to authenticate user on AD using the following DirectoryEntry constructor: new DirectoryEntry(path, domainName + "\\" + UserName, Password); It use to work fine until the Domain Controller was changed. Now to make it work we have to use: new DirectoryEntry(path, UserName, Password); Can anyone please explain difference and...

php password protected website

Hi all, I'm new to web programing and im trying to find a few good examples / tutorials on how to do a decent job of creating a website that requires users to log on to view any pages beyond the main log in page. so far i've found 1 or 2 that ive tried but i keep running into the same problem. If i just enter the url of the page i wan...

Algorithm for Saving a User's Credentials into a Database over HTTP

Any comments/improvements on this process? User Table: id, username, password, salt Storing a New User Receive the username (plaintext) from $_POST Receive the password (sha512'd using javascript) from $_POST Generate a 128 character salt (alphanumeric with symbols) on the server and store ...

In Spring how do you get the current user whose credentials are not part of the current http request?

Is there a "getCurrentUser" method in Spring to access the user that is currently part of a request - even if that user's name is not being passed around as part of a web request? ...

Does my PHP security algorithm effectively store user credentials?

This question is about a specific programming problem I am having - I want to make sure that my code (and software algorithm) are sufficient enough to store user credentials in a database. // Get a 32 character salt like '69Mt6nexL1rsjWnu011S53MpB/WmT4Vl' $passwordSalt = Security::generateBase64Salt(); $user = new User(); $user->setUse...

Do i really need to hash passwords?

I am building a project, which has a pretty basic login system. There will NO REGISTRATION system available, the users will be added manually. Also i protected the databases data input gates very well. So after all, do i still need to hash and even salt the users passwords? And if your answer is yes, the next question is why? ...

How can I force the "Run As" form to appear when someone tries to run my .net desktop application?

Hi, I need in to popup thr "Run As" form when user tries to run my application (C#.NET 4, on Win XP), that he could easily to log as other user. It may be in the application itself (in the C# code) or in some other preceeding batch/exe file ("launcher") or such. I didn't find any way to pop this form. How could it be done? thanks. ...