
How do I share user settings or files using the UserAppDataPath across builds?

Right now when I release a new build of my .NET app, the UserAppDataPath path points to a new folder that includes the build number. Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Company\AssemblyName\ I use this path as a convenient storage place for extended user UI setting files. Every time I release the user looses...

Disabling automatic generation of long url suffix on folder in AppData

Hello, From a Windows Forms .NET 3.0 application, I'm saving some user preferences using the built in Settings.Default.Save() mechanism. The results gets stored in the users AppData path as expected, but there's a long suffix attached to the folder name: C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Acme\HelloWorld.exe_Url_ei0yyv33jvrgjqybolgkilwx2u1i32...

Question: Using Windows 7, Unauthorized Access Exception when running my application

My application is raising an unauthorized access error. While running my application, I try to access a directory in the following location: Application.UserAppDataPath. The Problem: It says I do not have permission to access the Application.UserAppDataPath directory Is there a way to set permissions within my application source code? ...

Reading from a File in current User appdata folder for C#

I'm trying to read from a file inside a the current users appdata folder in C# but i'm still learning so I have this int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("c:\\test.txt"); while ((line = fil...

how can I get the value of %APPDATA% using JScript?

Hi, how can I get the value (path) of %APPDATA% in Micorosoft JScript? ...