
Serialize WPF User Control

I have a user control which used to display data using a number of text blocks on a canvas. My intention is to be able to take all of the underlying properties from each text block (IE the top and left corners, height, width...) so I can draw them to a bitmap for printing. What would be the best approach for this? I was thinking of try...

Testing User Controls that utilize a presenter which in turn utilizes wcf services

I have basic WinForm user controls (view) whose intilization includes a presenter and model. The presenter includes calls to a wcf service. Recently an error has croped up that is very trying. Whenever I drag and drop one of these controls onto my design surface I am presented with an error that the endpoint with name "yadda" could ...

Update a User Control from another User Control via AJAX

Maybe I'm having a brain fart or something because it seems like this should be pretty simple but how do you update a User Control from another User Control via Ajax? I have an ASPX page with two user controls and when I trigger a server-side event on one, I want to refresh a grid on the other so it'll update it's data. I'm using Teler...

Need to get information from Qt4ruby Form's textedit(textbox) and pass back to string for console.

I think this problem is best described in code. I'm sure the solution is close, I just haven't been able to find it. I've been looking over the Qt4 api as well as doing tutorials. Here is my code so far: require 'Qt4' class PictureCommentForm < Qt::Widget def initialize(parent = nil) super() #setFixedSize(300, 100) @comm...

Implement Binding List In a Control

Hi All, I have a (Image) User Control on a Winform .. I want to bind this Control to a binding list such that whenever the (images) collection changes the (images showing on the ) control also change. (should reflect the images within the collection). [something similar to an AsyncBinding List.] . Similar to how .net controls use Data...

javascript error "object expected " while making user control visible

hi I have one user control to pick the date which utilizes ajax calendar extender. Also it has javascript validation for checking date format. Control is working fine when its visibility is true in loading time. But giving javascript error if i am making it visible with a button (server control) click. Below is the javascript functio...

About the javascript function's inaccessbility in an User Control from other user control in

Now the weird thing is I have a user control UserControl1 in which I put some JavaScrdipt logic there, and I have another user control UserControl2 and I registered both in the page called Page1.aspx. I would like to call the JavaScript function resided in UserControl1 from UserControl2, however, I got an error saying the function is no...

Having trouble deciding how to wire up a UserControl with MVVM

I've been doing the best I can to try to stay true to the separation recommended by the MVVM pattern. One thing I haven't figure out how to do correctly has to do with initializing my UserControls. My most recent example of this has to do with a library that I wrote to talk to some low-level hardware. That assembly happens to have a U...

Func property on user control

I have a user control which I would like to add a dependency property of type Func so I can assign it a method handler in XAML. However, this will cause an XAMLParseException: 'Func`2' type does not have a public TypeConverter class. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to implement a TypeConverter for Func or is there a better way? The Fun...

Using classes to hold strings related to software messages

Hello guys, What do you think about the use of public static classes to hold on errorMessages and Ui button names, etc? Example: public static class UiMessages { public const string ConfirmationDialogTitle = "Atenção"; public const string ConfirmationLandOwnerDelete = "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar os prop...

Multiple User Control On Same Page And reference issue with Javascript

Hi, I have one usercontrol which contain one textbox, few buttons and one calander. I had place two instance of user control in one page as design time. It works fine all working from server side...mean server side events reference proper control at runtime. Problem start after raising server side events from javascript. I succeed to f...

Using generic collections in Silverlight user controls

There is an interface: public interface IFoo { } A Silverlight user control has a collection of IFoo instances: public ObservableCollection<IFoo> Items { get; set; } There is an abstract class that implements the interface: abstract public class Foo : IFoo {} And a class that further derives from that: public class DerivedFoo :...

Create UserControl to display a list of DocumentType in Umbraco 4.1

Hi, I'm new to Umbraco and I like it so far, I understand how it works but I'd like to know how, and what is the best way, to create usercontrols that display some informations from umbraco's DB? When it's simple, I do it with XSL template but now I need more possibilities. What I try to do is have a UC that connect to Umbraco's DB, fe...

Pattern / methodology for communication between Windows and/or UserControls

Hello: I'm currently developing a application where I will have multiple windows open using C# and WPF. Is there a pattern or common methodology used to help faciliate communication between open Windows or/and UserControls? For example, a window, let's call it the 'Hierarchy Window', may displays a hierarchy of countries, provinces,...

Databinding composite control's properties inside a repeater

Hello... I have a composite control inside a repeater and I am trying to databind its properties like so (simplified example) : <uc1:Control ID="id" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("value") %> This works fine when I include the repeater inside a web user control, include that web user control inside ANOTHER web user control and then p...

c# MVC Add multiple instances of a user control to a single view page.

Hi What I can do: I aim to create a view where a User Control consisting of a TextBox and a Table is added to a page as needed. The user will type a SQL query in the textbox and the Table will be used to render the results. What I need to do: I need to add multiple of these controls to the page as the user requests them. They'll be n...

How is the server-side value being assigned in this ASP.NET custom control?

Hi. I am looking at somebody else's code and in it there is a user control: <UserControl:Comments ID="Comments1" runat="server" ObjectID="4" ObjectRecordID='<%#((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId %>'></UserControl:Comments> What I don't quite understand is how the value for ObjectRecordID gets assigned. I understand by looking at th...

Loss of Silverlight mouse up events after mouse capture?

I created a very simple test control that has a Rectangle on a canvas (within other containers, but inconsequential). The Rectangle has event handlers for mouse down, mouse move, and mouse up. If I capture the mouse in the Rectangle's MouseLeftButtonDown event, I do not receive a corresponding MouseLeftButtonUp event. Some code: priv...

Child user control Button as AsyncPostbackTrigger for update panel on parent control.

I would like to have a button in my child control be an asyncpostback trigger for an update panel in my main/parent control. Any simple solutions? And is this bad practice? If so why? Thank you. ...

Catching a Contained Control's Mouse Events in a UserControl

I have a UserControl that contains another UserControl. I'd like the containing control to be able to handle any mouse events that happen over the contained control's area. What's the easiest way to do this? Changing code for the contained control is possible, but only as a last resort. The contained control has a window that is contr...