
webservice using security UserNameToken

Hi guys, I am trying to resolve a problem we have using glassfish V2 to publish a simple web service using a plain UserNameToken for security reasons. Since we were using Netbeans 6.5 to archive this we were looking into this tutorial: enter code here Therefore the foll...

How do I add a <UsernameToken> header programatically to a SOAP message in JAX-WS?

I'm writing a simple proof-of-concept webservice client using the JBoss-WS library. I need to send messages to a remote service that requires a <Security> header with a <UsernameToken> element. I would like to add this header in the most JAX-WS-kosher way, without having to manually add XML elements by hand, without having to read in a ...

UserNameToken in soap from Java

Hi, I am trying to use a gSoap-generated wsdl from Netbeans. The webservice requires that the UserNameToken be passed in. When I use the wsdl from SoapUI (which works), it sends this: <wsse:Username>myname</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="

Inserting Username token in security header of already generated SOAP envelope gives me two headers!

I'm using WSS4J to add a Username token in the header of an already formed SOAP request envelope. Here is what the SOAP request looks like: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd=""&gt; <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> ...

How to use WS-Security and Access UsernameToken from an ASMX Web Service?

Okay, so we have a legacy ASMX web service that is currently running in .NET 3.5 and we're using Visual Studio 2008. The problem is, we need to add authentication and would like to take advantage of the WS-Security model without breaking any existing internal clients who don't need to authenticate currently. We've thought about adding ...

.net call WS-Security enabled web service (created in java)

How to call a webservice (created in java) with ws security, they provided a certificate file , username & password, i tried using Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0, Inherited the service proxy from Microsoft.Web.Services3.WebServicesClientProtocol used username password tocken UsernameToken tocken = new UsernameToken("uname", "pw...

WS-securitypolicy in cxf-bc deploy in servicemix

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to build a cxf-bc with WS-SecurityPolicy instead of just the WS-Security. WS-SecurityPolicy seems to be a more elegant solution since everything is in the WSDL. Examples welcome. :) Well with David's help I got the CXF-BC to install and running on the ESB, but I can't seem to test it. It keeps c...

How to add wsse:Security, UsernameToken header to a SOAP request in ZSI, Python?

Is there a way to add the wsse:Security, UsernameToken header to the SOAP requests in ZSI, Python? I searched on the web, but couldn't find an answer. ...

Missing UsernameToken element

I am getting a request in the following method but the soap message does not appear to contain the UsernameToken Element: $policy = new WSPolicy( array( 'useUsernameToken'=>true ) ); $security = new WSSecurityToken( array( 'user'=>$username, 'passwordType'=>'PlainText', 'password'=>$password ...

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

I'm trying to authenticate a SOAP request using WS-UsernameToken spec, but the target device is always denying access. My non-working request looks like this. (The password I'm trying to hash is system.) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Envelope xmlns=""&gt; <Header> <Security xmlns="http...

how to add encryption to soap header using a username token profile in wcf

I have a working USername token profile working using WCF, I am trying to add support for encryption on the client call, the webservice is expecting an encrypted soap header. I installed a certificate in my Local store using MMC. In my c# code below I have code that loads the certificate and assigns it to the proxy. I am not sure what o...