I am attempting to devise a system for packing integer values greater than 65535 into a ushort. Let me explain.
We have a system which generates Int32 values using an IDENTITY column from SQL Server and are limited by an in-production client API that overflows our Int32 IDs to ushorts. Fortunately the client only has about 20 or so in...
Hi all,
I have a very painful library which, at the moment, is accepting a C# string as a way to get arrays of data; apparently, this makes marshalling for pinvokes easier.
So how do I make a ushort array into a string by bytes? I've tried:
int i;
String theOutData = "";
ushort[] theImageData = inImageData.DataArray;
//this is as ...
I have an application in C# that I'm trying to convert to java. The C# app has a few variables that are of type ushort. Is there an equivalent in java?
Thank you
What is the difference between a word and ushort in C#? They are both 16 bits!
I have an array of short whose values range between 0 and the maximum value of a short. I scale the data (to display it as TYPE_USHORT) so that the resulting short values range between 0 and 65535. I need to print some of the scaled values but can't figure out how. The data are in an array and in a BufferedImage.
I'm trying to convert an int value to 16 bit unsigned char type (USHORT)
in example 41104 is A909 in ushort
but in c#
i tried code samples as
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(41104);
string bytes = BitConverter.ToString(byteArray);
//it reurns "90-A0"
(with the http://msdn.microsoft.com/tr-tr/library/8wwsdz3k.aspx msnd hel...
I have this byte[]: 00 28 00 60 00 30 10 70 00 22 FF FF.
I want to combine each pair of bytes into a word: 0028 0060 0030 1070 0022 FFFF.
I also want to turn the word array into a string: "0028 0060 0030 1070 0022 FFFF" (without using byte[]).
I fixed SLaks code and it works:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(var i = 0; i <...
Hello ,My application in c# wants to cominicate with 3rd party Tcp server to send data and recieve back response messages ...The syntax of commands has UShort,ULONG,BYTE type datas
a sample command that needed to send by my app is
then in app i send data as
TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClien...