
C# and utf8_decode

Is there a C# utf8_decode equivalent? ...

Java string encoding conversion within a webpage

Hi, I have a webpage that is encoded (through its header) as WIN-1255. A Java program creates text string that are automatically embedded in the page. The problem is that the original strings are encoded in UTF-8, thus creating a Gibberish text field in the page. Unfortunately, I can not change the page encoding - it's required by a c...

utf8_encode or decode isn't doing what I expect...

Hi all, I am taking an XML file and reading it into various strings, before writing to a database, however I am having difficulty with German characters. The XML file starts off <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Then an example of where I am having problems is this part <name><![CDATA[PONS Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprac...

Can php convert strings with all charset encodes to utf8

Hi, Can php convert strings with all charset encodes to utf8? Solutions that don't works: utf8_encode($string) - but its only Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8? iconv($incharset, $outcharset,$text) - but how can be find string current encodding? (only can be if string part of html dom document, not just string) thanks ...

PHP UTF-encoded URL-string

When I type in Firefox (in the address line) URL like http://www.example.com/?query=Траливали, it is automatically encoded to http://www.example.com/?query=%D2%F0%E0%EB%E8%E2%E0%EB%E8. But URL like http://www.example.com/#ajax_call?query=Траливали is not converted. Other browsers such as IE8 do not convert query at all. The question i...

how to remove all utf-8 characted from string using php

Hi I have a problem as below. I have one xml which contain utf-8 characters but the data of this xml will get displayed on page with iso encoding. So I have to remove this utf-8 charactres from string, How can I do this. Thanks Avinash EDIT: I have used : iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", str_replace('&','and',removeEmptyLines(strip_tags(...