
Validating Event Results in Loss of Button Click Event in Winforms

Background: I have a form with a "clear form" and a "cancel" button. If I have invalid data inside a dropdown and click either of these buttons the dropdown's validating event fires. I've added code to the validating event to succeed when either "clear" or "cancel" are pressed. Problem: I would expect that the next thing that will h...

Prevent Validating/Validated event from firing in custom textbox -

I have a custom text box component (inherits from that I created in (2005) that handles the input of numeric data. It works well. I would like to suppress the validating and validated events from firing if the number hasn't changed. If a user is tabbing through the form and tabs from the text box, th...

Furture Details on Vallidating Event not Working....

I have created a custom control that inherit the TextBox, in that control i have override validating event and in validating event i have put validation that checks for the empty field. No when i use that control on my winform and when i click on save button it immediate fires save event.. the validation event of custom control fires an...

How to skip Validating after clicking on a Form's Cancel button.

I use C#. I have a Windows Form with an edit box and a Cancel button. The edit box has code in validating event. The code is executed every time the edit box loses focus. When I click on the Cancel button I just want to close the form. I don't want any validation for the edit box to be executed. How can this be accomplished? Here is an ...

validating xml file with dtd using jsp

Is there any way to validate an XML file with its DTD, using a JSP in Eclipse? If so, how can we do it? ...

Rails Validating Virtual Attributes

My model looks like this: class Item < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :locations validate :validate_item_location def item_location locations.address+','',' end def item_location=(str) geo = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(str) if geo.success :lat => ...

Error while validating HTML "document type does not allow element "li" here; missing one of "ul", "ol", "menu", "dir" start-tag"

Hey! So I'm trying to code something on wordpress for the first time but the validator doesn't seem to like me. Look at the error I got while validating: Line 87, Column 33: document type does not allow element "li" here; missing one of "ul", "ol", "menu", "dir" start-tag I've searched everywhere, I'm not aware of any missing or mispla...

Rails validating full_name

Hey... how would you validate a full_name field (name surname). ...

How to validate a DataGridView Cell is not empty, when the user never enters the cell?

I just want to check and make sure that a cell has some data in it. My situation is I have 3 columns in a DataGridView. When someone adds a new record the rows are blank. The first column is a ComboBox, the next two are just plain text. If someone just enters in one of the text boxes and doesn't select from the combobox, when they pr...

validating event getting fired twice in maskedtextbox

I am facing a issue while using the "validating" event of the maskedtextbox. I have an MDI form, in which there is a main form and another form acting as bottom bar. The bottom bar comprises of buttons for moving to "previous" and "next" forms. If suppose in the main form i have a maskedtextbox and the initial focus is set on it, then on...

Validate decimal max/min values in a NSTextField

First of all i have to do this without IB and without advanced Objective-C techniques like KVO. My problem comes from the simple fact that i can't find a way to get the whole new string value of the text field. I'm tried using the delegate function: - (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)aTextView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)affectedCha...

Validating with errorProvider using dropdownlist in Windows Forms?

So basically I am trying to validate my drop down list (combobox) using the Validating event. This works, but calls the focus to my drop down list, not allowing a selection to be made. Is there any way to get the errorProvider working with dropdownlist if (ddlTypeOfPass.SelectedIndex < 1) { errorProvider1....

c# Control.Validating event leaves mouse focus on other controls?

I have a c# .net 2.0 winForm with a textbox and a trackbar. The textbox Validating event sets e.cancel if the user clicks the trackbar and the validation fails. I am then left with the cursor in the textbox, but the mouse focus is still on the trackbar so moving the mouse moves the trackbar. I have tried SetFocus in the validating event...