
JSF f:selectItem in h:selectManyCheckbox not working in backing bean, but is displayed properly in h:dataTable

Hello everyone. The problem occurs with this code: <h:form> <rich:panel> <f:facet name="header"> <h:selectManyCheckbox title="Select which types of requests you want to see" onchange="submit();" value="#{filterListener.chosenFilters}" id="selectB...

JSF 1.2: valueChangeListener event not returning newly selected value

I have this backing bean: public class PageBean { private List<SelectItem> selectPages; private List<SelectItem> selectRowsPerPage; private String selectedPage; private String selectedRowsPerPage; private int pages = 0; // getter methods public boolean getRender() { boolean rendered = pages > 0? true: false; retu...

The rich:comboBox doesnt invoke valueChangeListener second time

Hi! It's me again! I have next problem: I have one page - where I can show images, which I can get from certain directory (for example - call - /root). So I have the dropdown menu (I use rich:comboBox) to choose the directory with images (I can have more than one directory, but now I have only one). Then I have another page - where I ...

JSF valueChangeListener not fired on form submission

Hi all! On selecting a DIV element, i take the value of the selected DIV's hidden element and pass it on to a form with hidden element in it. This form is then submitted. Below are pieces of my code. The value of the hidden input inside the form is correctly set on selecting the DIV and the form is also submitted but the valueChangeL...

ValueChangeListener not working

Hello, This is my code in my managed bean :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="

JSF- passing a parameter to valuechangelistener

Hello, I have a litte radiobutton like this : <h:selectOneRadio value="#{test.answer}" valueChangeListener="#{TestService.changeanswer}" immediate="true" id="answer"> <f:selectItem itemValue="A" itemLabel="Absolutely True"/> <f:selectItem itemValue="B" itemLabel="True"/> <f:selectItem itemValue="C" itemLabel="Partially True"/> <...