
How varbinary data column to string using safedatareader?

I has a data type varbinay in database. I need to fetch it from database using csla.Datareader.safedatareader into string. ...

MSSQL Assemblies and SQLBinary DataType

I have a c# assembly which takes in a SQLBinary variable to decrypt... [SqlProcedure(Name="Decrypt")] public static SqlInt32 Decrypt(SqlBinary toDecrypt) { return runQuery(toDecrypt); } // decrypt or encrypt is determined based on the datatype of argValue private static SqlInt32 runQuery(object argValue) { // create connection ...

How to dump all of our images from a VARBINARY(MAX) field in SQL2008 to the filesystem?

I have a table which has an IDENTITY field and a VARBINARY(MAX) field in it. Is there any way I could dump the content of each VARBINARY(MAX) field to the filesystem (eg. c:\temp\images)? Table schema: PhotoId INTEGER NOT NULL IDENTITY Image VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL DateCreated SMALLDATETIME Output: c:\temp\images\1.png c:\temp\image...

What is the fastest way to get varbinary data from SQL Server into a C# Byte array?

The title speaks for itself. I'm dealing with files/data near 2MB in size. ...

SQL Server 2005: Replication, varbinary

Scenario In our replication scheme we replicate a number of tables, including a photos table that contains binary image data. All other tables replicate as expected, but the photos table does not. I suspect this is because of the larger amount of data in the photos table or perhaps because the image data is a varbinary field. However...

Length of varbinary(max) filestream on MSSQL 2008

Is there some eficient way how to get length of data in "varbinary(max) filestream" column? I found only samples with conversion to varchar and then calling the "LEN" function. ...

ASP.NET Store uploaded file sql server table

How do you store a file that was uploaded by an webform into a sql server 2005 varbinary(max) field? Here is what I have so far: protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { StoreFile(Request.Files[i]); } } private void StoreFile(HttpPostedFile...

Handling hashed passwords stored as varbinary in SQL Server and classic ASP

All, Sorry in advance - I'm a novice in most of the topics below (SQL, ASP). Anyway... I've got a pretty simple web app that requires users to log in with a user name and password. The front end creates a salted SHA1 hash of the password, and posts it (along with the user's name) to an ASP page. That ASP page takes the data, calls a...

MS SQL Server 2005, write varbinary to file system

Hi, Using just an sql query is it possible to write the contents of a varbinary cell to the file system? I have a column that stores pdf s as and for some quick testing I'd like to write out the pdfs to the filesystem. Thanks for any help. ...

Sql 2008 Filestream with NHibernate

I am attempting to use Filestream in sql server 2008 to store user uploaded images. My problem is that NHibernate will not error, but it also will not save the data into the database. No record is created. The Image class below is a custom class (not to be confused with System.Drawing.Image) public class ImageMap : ClassMap<Image> { ...

Write query for inserting varbinary value in PostgreSQL

a silly question I suppose... What is the syntax in PostgeSql for inserting varbinary values? MSSQL-way when specifying binary value like 0xFFFF... did't work ...

Dealing with a varbinary field in VB.NET

A partner of ours is making a call to a web service that includes a parameter called token. Token is the result of an MD5 hash of two numbers, and helps us authenticate that the user using our partners system. Our partner asks the user for two strings, concatenates them, runs them through MD5, and then calls our web service. The result...

How do I get fluent nhibernate to create a varbinary(max) field in sql server

Hi, How can I get fluent nhibernate to create a varbinary field in a sql server 2005 table that uses a field size of varbinary(max)? At the moment I always get a default of varbinary(8000), which isn't big enough as i'm going to be storing image files. I've tried using CAstle.ActiveRecord but havent had any success yet. [ActiveRecord...

Serializing an object and storing it to a varbinary field in a DB

I can serialize an object to a file using: var writeStream = File.Open("l.osl", FileMode.Create); var bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); bformatter.Serialize(writeStream, l); What I am trying to do is instead of writing it to a file, write it to a DB varbinary field. I assume that I have to change writeStream to something else, but w...

Is accessing rows with varbinary data via LINQ causing a timeout? How to fix?

I have a number of tables in SQL. One is Controls (a typical CRUD sort of object) and one is Attachments. Attachments references Controls via a FK (there can be many attachments). Attachments also includes, amongst other things, a name and a varbinary column with file data. Through linq, Control has an Attachments property. I have a Co...

SQL Server 2005/2008: Insert a File in an varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL.

Is it possible to insert a file in a varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL? If yes, I would be very please to have a code snippet to at least give me an idea how to do that. Thanks ...

SQL Server Varbinary(max): select a subset of bytes from the varbinary field

What is the most efficient way of reading just part of the binary data from a varbinary(MAX) field (not using FileStreams) in SQL Server 2008? When writing data to the column the VarBinary.Write() function is available in T-SQL, allowing bytes to be written to the field incrementally, but there doesn't appear to be a similar function a...

Linq to SQL: Varbinary(Max) incremental reads

In SQLServer 2008 stored procedures, SUBSTRING can be used to return only part of a varbinary(MAX) column at a time from a query. Is a similar feature available when using LINQ To SQL via C# directly in the code? EDIT: I mean so that only a set number of bytes are loaded in code from the database and not the entire blob each time only...

find a result from a .doc type that store in a varbinary(max) column

Hi friends, i want to write a query with Full-Text-Search on a column with varbinary(max) type that stored a .doc/.docx(MS-Word) file. my query must returns records that contain a word in stored file. is this possible? if yes,how?(please write an example) if yes,can we write that for other language(e.g Arabic,Persian or a UniCode char...

Problem with storing large files in database

I have used linq to sql to store files in a varbinary(max) field. Filestream is activated too, but when I try to store files with 400 or 500 MB I get this error: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown My Code is: Dim ByteArray() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) Dim tb As New tb_1() tb._id = ...