
What is the difference between CHARACTER VARYING and VARCHAR in PostgreSQL?

John uses CHARACTER VARYING in the places where I use VARCHAR. I am a beginner, while he is an expert. This suggests me that there is something which I do not know. What is the difference between CHARACTER VARYING and VARCHAR in PostgreSQL? ...

default values/modifiers in postgres?

I've problem with default modifiers on postgres 8.4. (I think version is its not important) I've debian ubuntu. When Im creating migrations on rails AR: class CreateUserMails < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :user_mails do |t| t.string :title, :limit=> 128, :default=> '' t.string :place, :limit=> ...

Multiplying char and int together in C

Today I found the following: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ char x = 255; int z = ((int)x)*2; printf("%d\n", z); //prints -2 return 0; } So basically I'm getting an overflow because the size limit is determined by the operands on the right side of the = sign?? Why doesn't casting it to int before multiplying work? In this case I...

Capture resultset from a stored procedure with varying columns

I am trying to capture the result set of a stored procedure where the number of columns and their data types vary each time. I know if I had a linked server (or had the permission to create one - which I don't) that would refer to its own server I could use openquery to do a select into statement but that is not being possible. Is ther...

Android: how do I create a listview screen with different content for each row

I'm looking to create a listview screen similar to the Sound Setting screen (in the built in Settings app, see image below), i.e I want some rows to have text + checkboxes, other rows to have text + "pop up" buttons, some rows should have text only etc. What is the best way to accomplish this? ...

json parse response can have one or multiple objects

hi. i need to parse this response in android using the android json parser but the thing i cant find the answer to anywhere is: how do i parse the data if for example "itineraries" can contain one or sometimes more objects of the type itinerary? if it contains one than it is returned like this but if it contains more it is returned with...