
Use .NET COM in vb6

Im having trouble using a .NET COM in vb6, It compiles ok and I use regasm to register it, add a reference to it in the vb6 project, it even has intellisense. But when I try to make make an instance it gives me an 'Automation Error'. Any one can help? Thanks in advance. ...

Is there any downside to putting VB6 dependent files in app directory?

Assuming that the Application directory is writeable and that HD space is not an issue, are there any downsides to putting the VB6 dependency files (msvbvm60.dll, etc.) in the .EXE's directory? I've got the most up to date dependency files and I'm guessing MS isn't coming out with any new versions of those so I figure it's safest (in te...

Converting WAV files to MP3 using VB6?

I need help converting WAV files to MP3 format in VB6. I did already find source code in C#, but I can't use that ...

Converting HDD Serial # VB6 code into VB.NET code

Hey guys, I've got a cool piece of code taken from a VC++ project which gets complete information of the hard disk drive WITHOUT using WMI (since WMI has got its own problems) I ask those of you who are comfortable with API functions to try to convert this VB6 code into VB (or C#) .NET and help A LOT of people who are in great need of th...

Convert a Picture Box image to a Byte Array in VB6

I have a VB6 picture box that gets an image from a video capture device. I'm trying to figure out how to then convert the picture box to a byte array. ...

Hard-coding HTML into VB6 code

Background: we have an application that generates reports from HTML (that may or may not have inline scripting). The HTML source is normally stored as a blob in the database. There is now the need to hard-code a particular report into the application (i.e. so that it is not database dependent). I first tried it the brute force way (cutt...

VB6 PictureBox Mouseover

I'm using a VB6 PictureBox on my User Control. I set the PictureBox's picture, I set the BorderStyle to 0, and I set the BackColor to the User Control's BackColor. The idea is that I want a "floating" icon. However, I want that icon to appear clickable when the mouse hovers over it. Two questions: Which events do I use? MouseMov...

Loading HTML from a .res file

Using VS2005/2008 as a resource editor, one of the options in the Add Resource dialog is HTML: it appears to allow me to embed HTML file(s) into a resource (res) file. Does anyone know how to grab the HTML (as a string) from VB6 code? The LoadResData appears to be close to what I'm looking for but the problem is there isn't a HTML format...

What could cause Vb6 run time error 430

I have a COM dll written in vb6. When I try to create a new object of a class module from this dll I get a Run timer error 430: Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface. The interesting thing is that this happens only from outside the IDE, when I am debugging from within the IDE there is no error thrown an...

Problem with date day/month reversing on save

We have a problem affecting the production environment only. We have a VB6/ASP website that allows for data in a database table to be hand edited. It looks alot like an editable datagrid. One of the editable columns is a date and when the record is saved dates day/month are being reversed. 03/11/2008 becomes 11/03/2008, if you were t...

Picking up a VB6 project for a non-VB6 guy

I have been given the task of modifying a VB6 project. Nothing incredibly serious, adding a couple forms and fixing a few bugs for the most part. The project uses SQL Server (if that is of any relevance). My background in programming has been VB/C# .NET, PHP, C++ and mostly MySQL although I have used SQL Server on a much smaller scale. ...

Using events declared in Visual Basic 6.0 in a dotnet application

Hi, we are writing tests for a COM library written in VB 6.0.The problem we are facing is that, we are unable to access events declared in VB( withevents). We get exception, "object does not support set of events". How can we overcome this problem? ...

Error: MSCOMCT2.OCX or one of its dependencies not

I am trying to run a VB application that was coded long back on Windows 2000. My current OS is windows XP SP2. The error message is: "Component 'MSCOMCT2.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" I searched my computer for this file (this is different from MSCOMCT*L*.OCX) and didnt find ...

Automation Error when using ADO/MDAC

OK, struggling to get a definitive answer to this one... I have an application written in VB6 which requires MDAC (2.8 for this installation). MDAC is included in the installer for my application. When the software is removed and re-installed on the same machine MDAC seems to go awry and I receive the following error as soon as my appli...

Problem with Regional settings somewhere

With reference to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280597/problem-with-date-daymonth-reversing-on-save I have further noted that even setting the Session.LCID on the page itself is making no difference what so ever. How could the environments be such that between test and live the asp site on live is reversing dates entered via SQL b...

What data access strategy for a large application

I am about to embark on a rewrite of a VB6 application in .NET 3.5sp1. The VB6 app is pretty well written and the data layer is completely based on stored procedures. I'd like to go with something automated like Linq2SQL/Entity Framework/NHibernate/SubSonic. Admittedly, I haven't used any of these tools in anything other than throwawa...

Vb6 Performing an operation based on each line of a text file

I have a text file with a series of commands each one is on a diferent line what I need to do is go through the text file line by line and for each line perform a set of operations. How would I loop through line by line? Example: Text file contains: johndoe.log Apples and organes.log monkies and zebras.log script would grab line 1(...

Equivalent of Directory.CreateDirectory() in VB6

Trying to create several layers of folders at once C:\pie\applepie\recipies\ without using several different commands, is there an easy way similar to Directory.CreateDirectory() ...

VB6 Combo box events

I have a form in VB6 with two combo boxes (cboCustomer and cboItemNumber). When someone selects a value from cboCustomer, I want to populate cboItemNumber with a list of item numbers relevent to the customer selected. What event does VB6 offer that I can use? I've tried _Change and _LostFocus and neither are doing what I need. I find it ...

How do I build a VB6 Console App

I did some googling to try to answer this question but even after that I'm not quite clear about something. Is it possible to create a console app from VB6? I've got a VB6 app that doesn't put up a window. I always assumed that it was a console app. However, I want to be able to use the Windows API SetConsoleCtrlHandler function fr...