
Streaming video library for C#

I'm looking at options for adding streaming video to a social web site written in ASP.NET/C#. I have a great deal of experience with Flash too, so I'm comfortable using FLV players, but I'd definitely go Silverlight if the right library is available. The library would need to be able to encode user uploaded video in a web format. I ima...

Would python be an appropriate choice for a video library for home use software

Hi, I am thinking of creating a video library software which keep track of all my videos and keep track of videos that I already haven't watched and stats like this. The stats will be specific to each user using the software. My question is, is python appropriate to create this software or do I need something like c++. ...

How to create a compressed AVI in C# / how to use GSSF from with a compressor

I need to create a video files (without audio) from in memory bitmap data. I tried to modify the GSSF example from and combine it with DxPropPages example. None of the many ways I tried to create a graph works. Without setting a compressor, everything is fine. With a compressor (I tested several different ones, ffdshow try...