
MVC on Lift/Scala

Has anyone tried to do a scala/lift application using MVC instead of view-first? I know that you can create Controllers/views as: package test.test.test.view ... Lots of imports ... class MvcRocks extends LiftView { def dispatch = { case "rule" => ruleDispatch _ case "bar" => barDispatch _ } def barDispatch(): Box[NodeSe...

MVVM View-First Approach How Change View

Hi everybody, Does anybody have an idea how to change screens (views) in a MVVM View-First-Approach (The view instantiates the ViewModel: DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource VMLocator}, Path=Find[EntranceViewModel]}" ) For example: In my MainWindow (Shell) I show a entrance view with a Button "GoToBeach". <Window> <DockPa...

Issue with MVVM view first approach.

Hi, I am using mvvm architecture view first approach in my project. I mean I have view-viewmodel binding defined in resource file. But i'm unable to open multiple instances of same view...If I open the the new viewmodel will refer to the first view. ...

Mutually exclusive view instances in view first approach in mvvm

Hi, I have asked a question about mvvm view first approach. But i have seen that shared attribute is only available in version 4.0. Is there any other way to solve it ? ...

Can not locate x:Shared in wpf.

Hi, Please look into this question. But I'm unable to find "x:Shared" attribute. Please help. ...