
Listener for ViewFlipper widget flipping events

I have a ViewFlipper implementation that needs to be improved. This ViewFlipper has three child views. Basically, I want an indicator on which child view is currently active. My ViewFlipper is just a part of a complex layout which also has list views, etc. Switching of views is also automatic and done in a specified interval. From Andr...

How to differentiate between a fling and a touch?

I have a ListView inside of a ViewFlipper which I am flipping when the user swipes across the screen. Clicking on a ListView will open the browser. Sometimes when I am swiping, it gets detected as a touch on the ListView and will open the browser. This can be annoying. How can I prevent this from happening? class MyGestureDetector exten...

ViewFlipper FLICKERING problem?

I have a ViewFlipper with two ImageView widgets. I have set the in and out animation as android.R.anim.slide_in_left and android.R.anim.slide_out_right Now when the two ImageViews have two different drawables, then the animation is sleek and smooth. But when I set the both the ImageViews to the same Drawable, the screen flickers. Why is...

setVisibility not working within ViewFlipper

I'm trying to disable a TextView within a ViewFlipper via setVisibility to GONE and cannot get it to act like I'm wanting. My code: switch(index) { case 0: //Do Stuff findViewById(; findViewById(; break; case 1: //Do Stuff findViewById(...

Background properties on ImageView ignored when placed over ViewFlipper

I have an Activity that contains a FrameLayout and two views. The first is a ViewFlipper and the second is an ImageView. If I comment out the ViewFlipper, the activity renders the ImageView and its background correctly, but when the ViewFlipper is visible, the ImageView's background is completely ignored. Is this a "feature" of ViewFlip...

android: Can i use different class for different child of viewflipper

Hi, I have different screen to work in an android application. I'm using ViewFlipper for this. I decided to used different class for different view children public main extends Activity{ { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.sign_in); ViewFlipper viewFlipper ...

I am not able to apply view flipper on list view ?

My XML structure has a view flipper in linear layout which is again in Frame layout. I am not able to flip my layout and see next child. I want to apply it on OnTouch() of layout @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.i("onTouch", "INDSIDE ONTOUCH OF FLIPPER...

Hidding the title bar on specific layouts that use ViewFlipper, and transitions not working properly.

First off I am a beginner in Android development; I have been doing a lot of research into how to get the various tasks I am trying to complete. I have yet to find any similar issue to this, which is why I am asking it. This is a multipart question. Overview of program and problems: I have a program (for Android 2.1 and higher) that ha...