
Overloading operator new [] in C++ fails with Visual C++

Hi, I have code that overloads operator new. The code below works fine under Linux (gcc4x) but not Windows ( Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition) The code under Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition reports error C2660: operator new[] : function does not take 1 arguments Thank you very much! class dummy{}; void* operator new[] (size_t si...

Why is a CListCtrl responding to LVM_GETVIEW with LV_VIEW_ICON when that CListCtrl's view/display style is LVS_REPORT?

I'm working on UI-driven test automation, and the app under test (AUT) has a UI implemented with C++/MFC/Prof-UIS. My team employs Ranorex to author the tests. Experience has shown that Ranorex does not properly navigate the list controls (instances of CListCtrl) in the AUT. They all have multiple columns, and Ranorex will only retrieve ...

Organisation of compiler dependency paths to external libraries

I my current team we organize the dependencies to external libraries headers in the project settings like that: Compiler Settings->Additional Includes: d:\src\lib\boost_1_43 d:\src\lib\CxImage_6_00 ... As you can see, we include the exact library version number in our paths. The advantage of this method is that we always know, which e...

How to solve problem " mt.exe : general error c101008d" ?

Hi, I often have this problem even when I build a new C++ project and try to build a release file. I use Visual studio 2008. One thing that may cause this problem is my code is saved on the server disk, not on local hard disk. mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "..\Release\PG...

Intellisense doesn't work in one CPP file only

I've a weird situation in VC++ 2008 (unmanaged regular C++), where one source file has no intellisense at all... no tooltips when hovering over vars, no autocomplete, nothing. But the rest of the source is working fine and this file isn't anything special. I deleted the NCB file when things were a bit broken elsewhere and it all started ...

#include <Header.h> is not compiling while #include "Header.h" is compiling

Don't understand why #include <Header.h> is not compiling while #include "Header.h" is compiling with Visual Studio 2008. Am I missing something? ...

Why could an enum type be used without defined

I am using VC2008 as my complier, and it is surprised to me that an enum could be used without defined: void func(enum EnumType type) { } Code above could be compiled and run without a problem, could anyone explain why it works? Update: I could define an empty enum in C++, as follow: enum EnumType {}; ...