
How to get DirectX debug messages under remote debugging with VS2008 without installing the DXSDK on the remote machine?

I'm trying to debug some problems that only happen on some Windows XP machines. My development system uses Vista, and I'd like to avoid having to setup a complete development environment in XP to debug this problem. I've successfully setup remote debugging to the XP systems using VS2008, but have not been able to get DirectX to output ...

Mixing c# and vc++

I've got a code snippet of c# that I've been trying to translate into vc++, but I'm having some difficulties. So, I'm wondering if it is possible or advisable to mix c# and vc++; that is to say, can I call my c# function from vc++ and vice-versa. If so, are there tricks to it? If, not, why? ...

How to manage files common to release and build in VS C# Express?

I have a C# Console app in VS C# Express 2008. The program needs to read a few files at runtime, which I would like to place in the same directory as the .EXE for convenience. But of course there are two .EXEs, one debug and one release, and I don't want to copies of everything. What's the best way to manage this? ...

TableAdapter Wizard in VS2008 does not like stored procedures with user variables

I can get the following statement to execute from the mysql command prompt but when I try to build a tableadapter with the visual studio 2008 dataset wizard I get an error. set @strsql = Concat('SELECT tblcustomers.CustomerId, tblcustomers.FirstName, tblcustomers.LastName, tblcustomers.Address, tblcustomers.City, tblcustomers.State, tbl...

Writing to a Serial (Com) Port in Visual C++

I have a device that is connected on port COM4, (115200 baud, 8-N-1). Based on examples I found here I'm opening the port with: Keyboard_Handle=CreateFile("\\\\.\\COM4",GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,NULL); if(GetLastError() !=0 || Keyboard_Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALU...

What is the "right" way to bring a Windows Forms Application to the foreground?

I am writing a Windows Forms Application in C#. I need to be able to bring it to the foreground. After some Googling and experimentation, I have a working solution that looks pretty hacky. I would like to know the elegant way to do this, if there is one. I need the app to restore and come to the foreground whether it was minimized, or n...

Applying space formatting in Visual Studio

In vim, if you, say, copy-paste a block of code into a file and it gets all wonky, you can hit == or =G to apply space formatting to the line (or to the end of the file). Is there a way to get this functionality in Visual Studio 2008? I found this gem: Ctrl-K, Ctrl-F Applies the indenting and space formatting for the language as spe...

What is a System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripAdornerWindowService+ToolStripAdornerWindow?

I saw this come up in the Properties window after adding and then deleting a ContextMenuStrip. What is it and what does it do? Screenshot: ...

JSON editor, preferably for Visual Studio

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of any good JSON editors, preferably one that is a plugin for Visual Studio 2008? Thanks ...

How to make the ToolTip appear in the foreground of the floating CPaneDialog?

Does anybody has a hint for the following problem? I have a derived class from CPaneDialog, it contains just one button. I want to show a tooltip if the mouse is over it. For this I use CMFCToolTipCtrl: // Create the ToolTip control. m_ToolTip.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_NOPREFIX); m_ToolTip.Activate(TRUE); CMFCToolTipInfo params...

Convert existing database to Database project

I have a MS-SQL database on a server and have decided to play around with source control for the database. I want to create a database project and include that project within my solution. Is there any way to "import" an existing database into a database project in Visual Studio 2008? I have run a few searches but I haven't really found ...

run exe file on another computer

Hi, I've build an app in VS2008 and built an exe file. when I copy the exe file to another computer it doesn't work. I get the message: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. can someone please write the simple steps needed for this to be solved? thanks. ...

Howto obtain Newline in Tool Tips

My App is MFC based and uses the CToolTipCtrl to implement Tool Tips. The Tool Tips are in a string table resource and each tool tip is loaded with LoadStringW. Try as I might I cannot get the Tool Tips to display over multiple lines. Each tool tips is displayed as a single line. I tried adding \r\n &\n /\r/\n to the middle of a tool ...

Can VS2010 cause any problems on Win7?

I want to install Visual Studio 2010 in parallel with 2008 version on Win7. Can this cause some problems? ...

Remote Debugging is not breaking on errors

I am fairly new to remote debugging in Visual Studio, and by new I mean I have never done it before. Here are the steps I have taken to try to remotely debug an application on one of the servers in our network: open a website in VS2008 "\\server\website" Start the msvsmon service on "server" with "no authentication" and "allow any use...

How do I Hide a windows Form but Keep a Taskbar entry for it?

I'm writing a C# Windows Form application, and I'm trying to figure out how to hide the form while keeping it active in the windows taskbar. I've tried setting the Visible property to false and using the Hide() method, but they hide both the form and the taskbar entry. I've also tried minimizing the app permanently by setting WindowSta...

What are the complete steps to remote debug a website built in ASP.NET using Visual Studio 2008?

I have remote debugger setup on both my client and remote machine. I'm just looking for how to use it to debug an ASP.NET website. All Google searches have failed to answer my specific question. Basically, I have open the website in Visual Studio... so where do I go from there? ...

Source control: bound to the IDE or not?

My solutions are fairly large, are in SourceGear Vault and are bound to VS2008 IDE. I find that it takes a while to simply open them. In the long run, is it better to have the solutions bound to VS2008, just simply resolve the renegades later manually or use the Source Control IDE to check files out one at a time when the need arises. ...

Change Default MsTest Unit Test Wizard Template

My team is using the unit test wizard, but has found the amount of cruft generated annoying. Is there anyway to modify this template? Thanks ...

How to work unbound in VS2008 when the solution is.

Scenario: Solution is bound The team prefers to work bound I want to work unbound. To that end, in Tools/Options/Source Control I set the current source control plug-in to None. However, when I load the solution, VS2008 switches the source control plugin on and binds all the files. How can I turn off the source control bindings for...