
how to get windows xp style

hai how to get windows xp button style in my MFC dialog ...

How do I enable visual style backgrounds in a property page?

When a Control is shown in a TabControl, it can set the UseVisualStyleBackColor property of the TabPage to true in order to show properly in the tab control rather than just a solid colour fill. However, when a Control is shown in the management console as part of a PropertyPage, its parent is a PropertyPageContainerControl rather than ...

Problem with TabControl alignment in VB.NET

Hi there, I'm having a weird behaviour with a left-aligned TabControl in VB.NET. Screenshot: What I wanted was to have the tabs literally the same way they would be if rotated 90 degrees to the left. Does it have something to do with the fact I'm not (god forbid) using the standard XP theme? Any solution to just make it work? (Even...

Determining which visual style is used?

Is there a method to determine which visual style (Classic, "XP Style", Aero, etc') is currently used? App is native, so .net solutions are out. ...

C++/Win32 : XP Visual Styles - no controls are showing up?

Okay, so i'm pretty new to C++ & the Windows API and i'm just writing a small application. I wanted my application to make use of visual styles in both XP, Vista and Windows 7 so I added this line to the top of my code: #pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' ...

Using a manifest causes window to remain partially blank

I am in the process of trying to make an app that has most of its development done in Visual C++ 6.0 adhere to Windows theming, or to be precise the visual styles aspect of it. The application in question is a MFC application with the MBCS characterset. Getting theming to kick in in the first place required the InitCommonControlsEx(...);...