
Control goes into a visual state - but actual visual states are not getting updated through xaml

I have two controls - control 2 inside of control 1. Control 1 and Control 2 have visual states. I am facing the following problem: Control 2 goes into a visual state, (have put a Debug.Write in the C# code), but doesn't get updated visually (specified in xaml - visual state). This happens quite frequently, but, not always. I have got...

Silverlight 4.0 VisualStateManager

Can anyone please help me or is there anything I miss out? the visualstate is not triggered xmlns:swi="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity" xmlns:esi="clr-namespace:Expression.Samples.Interactivity;assembly=Expression.Samples.Interactivity" xmlns:mei="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Ex...

WPF: VisualStateManager not working

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how the VisualStateManager works but I cannot do it. I want to do this: I have some TextBoxes where the user can enter his name, adress, ... and I'm doing a validation and I didn't want to do that with a validationrules-binding in XAML. I'm using MVVM-pattern and some code of my viewmodel does it. So I'm bi...

Visual-state in SilverLight? (how we use that)

Hi I wrote simple template in xaml for button s.(for silver-light 4) So when I try use "ControlTemplate.Triggers", I found that is impossible in silver-light, and we must use Visual-State in Silver-Light so I wrote first ControlTemplate with Visual-State but it not work fine.(here is code) <Style x:Key="NextButtonStyle" TargetType="B...

Best way to propagate VisualState changes

Hi, I am currently facing a scenario that I am unsure what is the best way to handle. Scenario: ControlA has 2 two custom visualstates, let’s call them “StateOn” and “StateOff”. I now apply a template on ControlA, let’s call it “templateA”. “templateA” has one control under it of type ControlB (who’s unaware of StateOn/Off). Control...

Create a slide down animation/storyboard for an element?

I'd like to create a slide-down animation for an Grid element in my WPF (.net 4.0) application. I assumed that I could do the following: create a visual state (closed, renderTranslate.y=-ActualHeight, solved via Binding with converter) create a visual state (open, renderTranslate.y=0) create a container to clip the animation use the de...