
voldemort vs. couchdb

I am trying to decide whether to use voldemort or couchdb for an upcoming healthcare project. I want a storage system that has high availability , fault tolerance, and can scale for the massive amounts of data being thrown at it. What is the pros/cons of each? Thanks ...

Can anyone explain scenarios where Project Voldermort or similar key value stores are useful?

I can see myself using Project Voldermort to cache results from a Traditional RDBMS query. But in this case, it provides almost no major advantage over other (Java) caching system such as EHcache Jcache etc. Where else could I use Project Voldermort or similar Key Value stores ? How are you using this in your business applications ? ...

How does Voldemort compare to Cassandra?

How does Voldemort compare to Cassandra? I'm not talking about size of community and only want to hear from people who have actually used both. Especially I'm interested in: How they dynamically scale when adding and removing nodes Query performance How they scale when adding nodes (linear)? Write speed ...

Is anyone outside of LinkedIn using Voldemort?

I have been trying to find out more about Voldemort but it doesn't seem to be used outside of LinkedIn. Has anyone actually used it for a real system? ...

Correct usage of Voldemort as key-value pair?

Hello, I am trying to understand, how can Voldermort be used? Say, I have this scenario: Since, Voldemort is a key-value pair. I need to fetch a value (say some text) on the basis of 3 parameters. So, what will be the key in this case? I cannot use 3 keys for 1 value right, but that value should be search able on the basis of those 3 ...

Maven repository with Voldemort jars

I'm looking for a public Maven repository that has the Voldemort libraries. Anyone? ...

Has anyone gotten windows c++ to talk to project voldemort?

Good afternoon all, I'm interested in trying to use Voldemort from a windows C++ application. The example provided only works on Linux. ...