
How to connect vb.net to wamp server?

Do you know of any way on how to connect wampserver or phpmyadmin localhost to vb.net. I mean adding, searching, deleting, updating, listing of data from the localhost database via vb.net? ...

Where can I find the database file in wamp server?

I've recently installed wamp server to be connected to a vb.net program. But I don't know if there is a database file generated somewhere in your computer if you try to input records using your browser. ...

What is the default server name in wamp server?

I don't know of the default server name. Can you please help me because I need to work on our project to connect vb.net with wamp server, and for that to happen, I must know the server name that I will put on the codes. Please, thanks in advance. ...

how to fix this error?vb.net

Here is the screen shot of the vb.net: http://www.mypicx.com/12132009/ers/ And here is my code: Dim connectionString As String = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=my school;" ' Dim conn As New OdbcConnection(connectionString) conn.Open() Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT IDNUMBER, LA...

strange php error

I have the following code: var_dump($cumulitive); $y_axis_max = max($cumulitive)*1.3; var_dump($y_axis_max); It outputs the following: array(16) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(0) [2]=> int(0) [3]=> int(0) [4]=> int(0) [5]=> int(0) [6]=> int(0) [7]=> int(0) [8]=> int(0) [9]=> int(0) [10]...

How to install Ruby on Rails alongside WampServer ?

Is is possible to install Ruby on Rails alongside WampServer (and keep WampServer's Apache/MySQL installs)? ...

Connecting php to sql server

I'm using wamp server. And I use dreamweaver to create php files. Here is my code: -untitled.php <?php include 'E:\wamp\www\PHP\connection.php'; $query ="SELECT * FROM students"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($students = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<h3>".$students['LNAME'] ."</H3>"; } ?> <h1>Crea...

parse error in php code

I just started php and I want to know how to make this parse error work. This is the error: Parse error: parse error in E:\wamp\www\PHP\create.php on line 22 And here is my code, by the way I'm making a database manipulating system. And I use wampserver and dreamweaver. <?php include 'E:\wamp\www\PHP\connection.p...

Undefined index in PHP

I have this error again: Notice: Undefined index: IDNUMBER in E:\wamp\www\PHP\create.php on line 5 Here is my code: <?php include 'E:\wamp\www\PHP\connection.php'; $IDNUMBER = $_POST['IDNUMBER']; $LNAME = $_POST['LNAME']; $FNAME = $_POST['FNAME']; $MNAME = $_POST['MNAME']; ...

List records in mysql using php

This is the last thing I'm gonna do, after I can make this work, I can produce to designing which might be a lot easier. Thanks for all your help. I want to list a record from mysql using php by typing a query in the text box. Then the program will list all the records that has that element, for example address. Here is my code: ...

working on port 81(wampserver)

I have recently installed wampserver 2.0 and configured it to work on port 81. Now the problem is that when I click on phpMyAdmin present at the taskbar inside wampserver 2.0 the browser redirects me to localhost/phpmyadmin instead of localhost:81/phpmyadmin. When I manually type it, everything works fine. How can I fix this thing? I w...

How to setup and run Python on Wampserver?

Can anyone help me to set up Python to run on Wampserver. From what I've read so far you would need to use a combination of Wampser, Python, mod_pyhton, and adjustment to the Apache http.conf file. I've tried it but i belive i am having conflict when it comes to versions. Does anyone know of a cobination of versions that can work so that...

Xampp / Wamp / Whatever it is, Apache is running super slow...

I've got my windows pc (localhost) running xampp, it loads the pages sometimes really quick or sometimes really slow... So I figured and searched and was recommended to get wamp. So I got that and installed it, still... the pages load so damn slowly. No heavy cpu load or anything, all my ports are open too. Any ideas? ...

PHP SESSION data lost between page loads with WAMPserver 2.0 on localhost

I have a PHP authentication system on my website using the $_SESSION variable. A form submits a username and password to the file "login.php". It is handled like this: <?php include '../includes/sessionstart.inc.php'; ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> if($_POST){ $q = mysql_query("SELECT id, company FROM users WHERE username = '".mysql_real...

wamp port 80 busy

i have installed wamp on windows 7 64bit, when i try to start it it says port 80 is using by Server : Microsoft HTTPAPI/2.0 i have checked IIS is not installed what should I do ? ...

Unable to find the socket transport "tls" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to tls://smtp.gmail.com:465 (Unable to find the socket transport "tls" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?) in C:\wamp\www\mail\testemail.php on line 24 Unable to find the socket transport "tls" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? im using...

php parse error always on the last line

I'm trying to read a comment that is stored in a mysql table. For some reason I always get a parse error on the last line of the file even if the last line is blank. I'm not sure if it's relevant but the connect.php works for putting the comment into the database. I'm using wampserver to host it and coding it by hand. I think that's it'...

Wamp server with password

I tried to put a password on the root user of wamp server. now I can't access mysql database. How will I input the password? I'm still a beginner and I'm just experimenting on things that I don't fully understand ...

how to reset wamp server password

I've put the password in the main phpmyadmin and not one of the databases. How can I even access it if can't even have the chance to input the password. ...

How to secure files included in www directory

Now I have put a password in mysql, the only security problem that is left is to secure the php files that are in my www directory. ...