
Self-hosted WCF REST service and Basic authentication

I've created a self-hosted WCF REST service (with some extra's from WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2). This is all working fine. I'm now trying to add Basic authentication to the service. But I'm hitting some rather large roadblocks in the WCF stack which is preventing me from doing this. It appears that the HttpListener (which self-host...

Why is my WCF Rest Service on IIS7 Authenticating TWICE!?!?

Ok, if someone could shed some light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. So here we go. I had a rest service running fine the other day but after I accidentally overwrote the web.config all hell broke loose. I've spent the past day and a half trying to sort things out but I can't seem to figure out what is missing or misplaced...

WcfRestContrib: Is there any example of using a WCF REST service (with basic authentication) from a desktop client

Is there any example of using a WCF REST service with basic HTTP authentication from a desktop client? I am using WCF REST Contrib. and authentication works fine when a use a javascript client from the browser, but when I try to use a C# Console app. I get a BasicUnauthorizedException {"You have unsuccessfully attempted to access a secu...

Create a WCF REST Client Proxy Programatically (in C#)

I am trying to create a REST Client proxy programatically in C# using the code below but I keep getting a CommunicationException error. Am I missing something? public static class WebProxyFactory { public static T Create<T>(string url) where T : class { ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; WebHttpBindin...

WCF Rest Client with WebChannelFactory

Maybe I am not understanding this so hopefully someone can explain this to me. I am writing a WCF REST service (lets call it RestProj). RestProj has a dependency to the RestProj.DataAccess dll which houses all of the data access layer and to the WCFRestContrib dll. I have another project that contains all of the Rest parameters (data...