

Is it possible use nettcp binding with DataServiceHost ...

Why is there a need to send JSON as string while passing parameters to WCF from jQuery

Until yet I was using httpHandlers for performing all server side logic and these httpHandlers were being called by jQuery $.Ajax. In this case to pass any parameter I used to pass pure JSON object (obviously key value pairs) which was automatically translated to the Request.Form keys on serve side. Now as I am trying to call WCF endpo...

WCF Service Not Connecting to SQL Database

Problem When making calls to a SQL database from a WCF service we receive the following error: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to...

Does Streaming a WCF Soap Help the Client Send Using Less Memory?

I have a windows mobile application that sends data via WCF to a server. The data it sends sometimes exceeds the limit on the windows mobile device. I am wondering if streaming would help not need to hold all the data I must send in memory at once. Here is a simple example: [DataContract] public class MainContract { [DataMember] ...

Securing WSDLs and Schemas

I work with a group that is very adamant on keeping the wsdl and xsd that are associated with our web services as private as possible, and only distributing them to customers on a need to know basis. My question is this... Is this overkill? I realize that adds anyone layer of obscurity to any potential attacks, but is this really doing ...

RIA service using CustomValidation and resource error message

How to put a resource (multiple languages in client) message into a CustomValidation? Example: using any of ValidationAttribute, let'say StringLength, I simple use ErrorMessageResourceName and ErrorMessageResourceType, but it did not work for CustomValidation. Simple Code: public class UserInfo { [Required] public string Name { get...

WCF troubleshooting - async and zero results

How do you troubleshoot a WCF Service consumption from the client side (silverlight) when from the server you can tell that you service works (stepping through) and the client gets an ObservableCollection with nothing in it? void client_GetAddressesCompleted(object sender, GetAddressesCompletedEventArgs e) { var x = e.Re...

WCF Service, JSON Input Datatype, Error in deserializing body of request message for operation

Hi I have a WCF Service method SavePlannerData that has one of input Guid datatype. Now if there is no Guid, it is coming as EmptyString ("") instead of null. If it is null, it is working fine. If it is emptystring, it is not calling WCfService and It is throwing the following error: Error in deserializing body of request message for...

Alternative for MSMQ for queued WCF in the cloud?

I'm trying to write a durable WCF service, whereby clients can handle that the server is unavailable (due to internet connection, etc) gracefully. All evidence points to using the MSMQ binding, but I can't do that because my "server" is the Azure cloud, which does not support MSMQ. Does anyone have a recommended alternative for accompl...

WCF over IIS through load balancer reports wrong base address

I'm trying to launch a WCF service over SSL on IIS 6 through a load balancer. My initial problem was an obvious and pretty well discussed one - the address shown on the WSDL page pointed to https://SERVERNAME/WebServices/mydomainws.svc instead of www.mydomain.com. The answer to this problem is to add a host header value in IIS. I did ...

What are the minimal configuration for to switch wcf to remorting ?

We have WCF with wsHttpBinding now want to convert it on remoting how to do ? ...

Can I use an interface as a type in my WCF client code?

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7 app using WCF for communications with my server. I've created a service and am able to communicate well, but I'm having trouble accessing an interface in the client code. For instance, in my server code I have something like this: [OperationContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(IField))] [ServiceKnownType...

How to serve files and html directly from a WCF-service similar to an ASHX-handler?

Im writing an install and update-server for an intranet-application and I want the user to be able to install the app directly from a url such as: http://domain.local/myapp/install.exe where this request is handled by my service. I also would like to be able to serve some basic HTML on for instance http://domain.local/myapp/status.html ...

Calling WCF service with jquery and parameters synchronously

Hi, I am calling a .NET WCF service from Ajax like this: result = $.ajax({ type: "POST", // async: false, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: BaseUrl + "Services/YucataService.svc/SetGameStatusSecure", data: "{'gameID':'" + gameID + "','pid':'" + pid + "','status':'" + newStatus + "','origStatus':'...

How to change JSON object before send ExtJS

I everyone i have a JSON Array that is construct like this for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var record = myDataStore.getAt(i); if (record.dirty){ submitRecords[currentIndex] = record.data; //alert(submitRecords[curre...

Trouble in hosting WCF Service in IIS 5.1

I am having trouble hosting a simple WCF service application in IIS 5.1 (XP SP3). I follow this tutorial (hxxp://www.youtube.com/user/pluralsight#p/a/u/1/SVPXLF-g4Ws) but still the service wont load and shows IE blank page "You are not authorized to view this page .. HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden " any advice guys? how to host WCF service...

WCF service with a version for QA and PROD

Here is my scenario...I have a WPF app that talks to a WCF service. The connection string settings are in the WCF service. The WCF service can be deployed to two different web sites, one for QA and one for PROD (each with its own URI). I want my WPF app to be able to be run using QA data or PROD data. Basically, I would pass a pa...

wcf and pathfinding

Generally I would never expect to see those 2 words together in the same sentenc, however im working on a project that requires me to do simple pathfinding on multiple roads and I'm just trying to work out the best way to do it. I was originally thinking of having a few wcf services that could accept an origin and destinations do the wo...

Silverlight 4.0 using WCF to connect to SQL server

Hi, Is it good idea to use WCF to connect to SQL server in my silverlight application? This communication layer deals only with the database (SQL Server) and will return a large dataset most of the time. I am trying to speed up my silverlight application. I was using aspx pages and the client wants something flashier and faster. Any r...

Securing WCF Service output

Hello there, I have a WCF Service which is consumed by a web application right now. This WCF service creates reports and saves them to a folder on server. Also, it updates the database with a complete url to download the report. I am concerned about the security of complete url being updated in the database. One option is to save only ...