
Not getting user input from TextBox

Hi, I'm starting to loose my nerves on some completely banal thing: I don't get user input from a TextBox :S I do something like this (code behind aspx): protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { this._presenter.OnViewInitialized(); } this._presenter...

WCSF + WCF Service in ASP.NET 3.5 Disadvantages.

I need to build a webapplication that uses WCF services as backend and ASP.NET as frontend. It has a rich UI components because it is a migration of a desktop application. Now I just read the WCSF introduction from Simon Ince's Blog, but I dont get it much deeper. I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of converting my ASP.NET-W...

Can we use Composite Web Application block with Visual Studio 2005

Is it possible to use CWAB with Asp.Net 2.0 on Visual Studio 2005? I am working on re-factoring an old Asp.Net 2.0 application and need to better separate different modules. ...

ObjectContainerDatasource onselecting called twice

Hi guys, This is my first attempt to work with WCSF and MVP here is the setup. a search button when clicked it fires an event to get the data from service public void OnSelecting(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, string sortExpression) { View.Persons = Controller.GetPersons(startRowIndex, maximumRows, sortExpress...

How should comments for interface and class methods be different

I ran into this dilemma when working on an ASP.net web application using Web Client Software Factory(WCSF) in C#, and the same could apply to other platform and languages. My situation is like this: I am defining an I*View interface for each web page/user control based on WCSF paradigm, then have the page class implement the I*View inte...

Dynamic pages and controls with Asp .NET

Hi, We are starting with the design of an ASP .NET Web UI using WCSF as the UI FW. We are evaluating some FW which will allow us to build dynamic pages, dynamic as in, deciding at runtime what user controls will be displayed and in what order. Also possibly, the pages and order in which they will be displayed. We are looking at Page Fl...

WCSF vs MEF, What's Best For Me?

Hey fellows, I'm working on a large web application that includes many modules (CRM, Inventory, Administration, etc.) What I want to accomplish is to be able develop each of these modules independently (the UI, Core Logic, DataAccess Logic, and all) and then integrate them all together into a core module (this integration should only ...

App_Code in Web Client Software Factory, Is it a good idea.

Hi guys, Just want to hear some opinion on adding App_Code in Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) project. The main purpose is to put reusable UI rendering codes which can be use by various pages. For WCSF, I guess only controller can share across pages within a module which does not seems to be a good place for UI stuff. Suggestions?...

Suggestions/Recommendations for a Web Application with Sub-Apps

Hello. I’m starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use. The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It’ll need to be structured ...

Creating a Data Access Layer when using Web Client Software Factory 2010

I am exploring WCSF and wondering how is the data access layer created? Some of the articles I have found are two years old and talk about using Web Service Factory. I am using VS 2010 and .Net 4.0. I am looking for some sample and tutorials with real world examples. ...

WCSF 2.0 PageFlow - Dynamic XOML

While doing some maintenance work, came across a project that apparantly is using the WCSF (contrib) PageFlow. The application works great ( think survey or interview ), but to change a question, the workflow has to be compiled and deployed. We are looking at a way to load the XOML from a database (I know how to do this in WF), but c...

Web Client Software Factory(WCSF) real world samples or examples

I have been unable to find some real world or a bit more detailed samples of applications than the basic hello world or Approve Orders. Can anyone point to more detailed examples? I would be using these to learn how to develop web sites using WCSF. ...

New Project with Web Client Software Factory

I want to start a new project basically a e-commerce website. I trying to figure out is there any advantage of using Web client software factory (WCSF) over creating all the layers by myself. How much time does it save me. What are the other failure associated with WCSF. ...

How can I put the breakpoints inside the workflow?

Hi all, I am using WCSF with workflow in my web application. It is using workflow to controlling the flow for whole application. But I am not able to debug it from inside. Like if I put breakpoints in workflow's states but the breakpoint never get hits. ...