
What are the steps in starting a simple one-person web project? (for a complete programming newbie)

I've got an idea for a very simple interactive web site. To boil it down to functionality: Names, each with an input box (think tags you can add) Lists following the names of tags others have added Voting capability on the tags Sorting for the whole list of names (alphabetical, most tags, etc.) Sorting for the list of tags within a nam...

How do you decide if a project should be web-based or desktop-based?

I'm having trouble deciding if I want a project of mine to be web-based (as in a web-app), desktop-based (a desktop application), or a desktop application that can sync or connect to the cloud. I don't know if anyone else would have an interest in this application, and it's only going to be for me, so I'm leaning toward desktop applicat...

What applications or services should I target for object-capabilities lobby?

Object-capabilities are an amazing solution/paradigm to provide security, both flexibly and robustly. Ever since I discovered them and got to understand them, I'm bothered that there are pretty much no widely used tool using or providing them, and I'd like to lobby a bit for their adoption, possibly by either designing a system with them...

obtain current svn revision in webapp

what is the best way of displaying/using the revision number in a java webapp? we just use ant to build our .war archive, no buildserver or such. i'd hope there was some kind if $ref that i could write in a resource file, but this is only updated when the file in question is committed. i need it globally. what would you recommend? post...

Setup multi languages wordpress

I need to setup a blog using wordpress engine but i need it support multi languages (3 languages), currently i am thinking of using custom field to identify the language of current post though i knew thats not a best practices, does anyone has better suggestions? ...

Can anyone think of some good reasons *not* to use an Object-Oriented DBMS to back a website?

Say you're coding some kind of web application. Something where people can contribute content, e.g. a simple photo-sharing site. How many good reasons can you think of to not go with an object-oriented database (e.g. db4o)? ...

Is it worth converting my functional JavaScript code to an object-oriented design?

I'm currently building a small web application that includes a fair amount of JavaScript. When I was prototyping the initial idea, I just hacked together a few functions to demonstrate how the application would eventually behave intending to go forward re-writing the JavaScript in an object-oriented nature. Now that I'm getting into the...

.Net tutorials of the same caliber as JavaEE "first cup" tutorials...Do they exist?

My company has a large web application with over 1 million users, all written in classic ASP, and it is getting rather long in the tooth. We are trying to decide between moving to Java, or to ASP.Net, and moving to an object-oriented style. There are lots of good entry-level tutorials for JavaEE, like their First Cup tutorial that takes ...

How can I find an application's base url?

I'd like to find the base url of my application, so I can automatically reference other files in my application tree... So given a file config.php in the base of my application, if a file in a subdirectory includes it, knows what to prefix a url with. application/config.php application/admin/something.php application/css/style.css S...

Should web applications use explicit SQL transactions?

Consider a regular web application doing mostly form-based CRUD operations over SQL database. Should there be explicit transaction management in such web application? Or should it simply use autocommit mode? And if doing transactions, is "transaction per request" sufficient? ...

Is there an online system to support donations to individuals in need?

A good friend of mine had a stroke yesterday. It would be a terrible situation even if he weren't a freelancer with no health insurance: he's now looking at the near-certainty of bankruptcy and the strong probability of homelessness in addition to being disabled. Two years ago, another friend of mine, who'd been battling breast cancer...

Should new web applications follow the MVC or MVP pattern?

Note that I am not asking which to choose (MVC or MVP), but rather if one of the two should be used for a web application. I realize that it might be too much work to convert an older application from its current design to a MVC or MVP pattern. However, what about for a new app? It appears these are the most popular architecture pattern...

dlinq versus ADO.NET Entity Framework

I am about to finalize the design of my webapplication, i am building it as an n-tier architecture and i am posed with the question of using DLinq vs EFM. I would appreciate if someone could give me some expert advice on it. ...

How to read XML data from a server using Flex?

I believe the simplest way to request data from a server in XML format is to have a PHP/JSP/ASP.net page which actually generates XML based on HTTP GET params, and to somehow call/load this page from Flex. How exactly can this be achieved using the Flex library classes? ...

What is the most addictive feature you've encountered?

Hi I'm Gene and I'm an addict. I often find my self addicted to a website and I'm quite sure I'm not alone. So my question is what is the most addictive Web-site/appplication/feature you've encountered. And before someone closes this question as irrelevant I'd like to point out that the result will help all of us to build websites that...

Open Source Virgin - What steps to take?

I'm thinking about releasing some of my PHP work as open source using one of the popular open-source licenses out there. I'd like to build a community around it and let contributors other than myself help grow the codebase. For someone who has never released anything as open source before, what are some important things to consider when...

What are some common things to consider when developing a web-based application to be sold

I'm developing an application for an internal customer. One of the requirements is that it be developed in such a way that it could potentially be sold to other organizations. The application is a tracking application for a fund-raising organization that will manage their donations, donors, participants, and events. I already know tha...

Designing for extranet from the beginning?

I've been tasked to develop a web application to cover one of our business functions. It needs to have external access from outside our network. At the same time, it needs to be done fairly quickly. I don't have any experience in extranet applications so I'm not exactly sure what all is involved. Learning about it is taking time. I'...

How to grab AD credentials from client machine in a web application.

Is it possible to grab activedirectory credentials for the user on a client machine from within a web application? To clarify, I am designing a web application which will be hosted on a client's intranet. There is a requirement that the a user of the application not be prompted for credentials when accessing the application, and that i...

How Do You Fix A Parameter Names Mismatch - DOJO and PL/SQL

How do you fix a names mismatch problem, if the client-side names are keywords or reserved words in the server-side language you are using? The DOJO JavaScript toolkit has a QueryReadStore class that you can subclass to submit REST patterned queries to the server. I'm using this in conjunction w/ the FilteringSelect Dijit. I can subcla...