
Statistics on business use of web-based vs desktop applications

I've attempted, unsuccessfully, to find statistics on how much day-to-day tasks are conducted in a web-browser vs desktop applications in a contemporary business environment. Think MS Outlook vs Gmail, Excel vs web-based CRM, etc. I am sure the percentages vary significantly from company to company, and form industry to industry. So,...

Looking for a webbased SQL Game

A couple of weeks ago I found a great page. It basically was a level based SQL game. Starting off with simple queries you earned stars by completing tasks. The exercise declaration featured information about a certain database and what tables it features. You had to write statements/queries in the browser and solve the problem. The exerc...

Anyone know a good (paid) US Proxy for testing web sites?

I need to test my web site from a US perspective (most of my customers are from the US, and I'm in Australia). I'd like to be able to run through an e-commerce transaction which relies third-party gateways, SSL, etc., and have it appear as though I'm in America. The free web-based proxies don't really cut it. I don't mind paying money. M...