
What does Exploded Development mean? (In Java)

I came across the term "exploded development" on this site... http://www.zeroturnaround.com/javarebel/support-matrix/ and remembered hearing it before in relation to working with Java web applications. From what I can tell it is something to do with deploying your .war file as an extracted/raw set of files. Instead of using an ANT/Ma...

What is the most effective website to post an ad for web developer?

Hello SO world. I want to post a web developer job ad and I want to get the most for the money. We were hoping to get the best job site out there to find a good web developer for our company. I know that most of you will say SO, but my manager already told me that SO is not an option, if it was for me I will definitely use SO for my p...

Creating a new email in Outlook including email body text

On a corporate intranet where all of our users are using Outlook 2003 I have a need to allow a user to click a link that opens a new email window with a prepopulated message body, subject and To line. The body text requirement eliminates a simple option like a MailTo link. I know there is an EML format Outlook uses, but I don't see how ...

What issues should I be concerned about if I use Access/Jet as the back-end to my web app?

I need to know what are the concerns to store data in microsoft access for a web site. I know we could have a lot of problem example : - Multiple connection on the database Thanks ...

How can I reload a page using jQuery from Greasemonkey?

I'm working on a Greasemonkey script that occasionally reloads a page and checks for updates. I'd like to be able to do a full-page reload without the side effect of having the page's title show "Loading..." each time. Here's what I have so far. The jQuery loading code is from http://joanpiedra.com/jquery/greasemonkey/ // Add jQuery ...

Clearing Input Fields with JavaScript

I've been looking at this for the last few hours, and can't really achieve what I'm looking for. I currently have the following two inputs: <input type="text" id="username" value="USERNAME" onfocus="inputFocused(this)" onblur="inputBlurred(this)" /> <input type="password" id="password" value="PASSWORD" onfocus="inputFocused(this)" onblu...

How to create a secure mysql prepared statement in php?

I am new to using prepared statements in mysql with php. I need some help creating a prepared statement to retrieve columns. I need to get information from different columns. Currently for a test file, I use the completely unsecure SQL statement: $qry = "SELECT * FROM mytable where userid='{$_GET['userid']}' AND category='{$_GET['cate...

How can I make my web page load faster?

Assuming an empty browser cache - How can I make a web page load faster by only applying HTML/CSS/JavaScript code changes? Meaning, don't recommend moving servers, using a CDN, etc. Just code changes to make it load faster. ...

Auto browser refresh during web development

It is well and good that the server restarts automatically for each change in the code. How would you have even the browser refresh automatically, as per configuration (Turn on and off, the least). How to do it on Windows, and on Linux, for all different development frameworks. What existing packages allow you to do it, and if you are ...

Using and formating an RSS feed.

Ok, here is my RSS feed link http://jacobnlsn.com/wordpress/?feed=rss. And I am looking to format it so it fits in the upper right hand spot of my header. My website is here http://jacobnlsn.com/. Its the black box in the upper right hand corner. How would I go about doing something like that? Thanks for your time! ...

XHTML correct syntax

Hello, I have a question. I am developing a card board which is 4x3. So I have tryed to do markup with XTHML Transitional. I have used containers mixed with tables. The example for first row: <table> <tr> <div class="slot_01"></div> <div class="slot_02"></div> <div class="slot_03"></div> <div class="slot_04"></div> </tr> ...

Language for web site development C++ or php?

I want to develop a forum like web site. I know C, C++ well but I havent used in web development.I know PHP little bit. Which language should i use? ...

Installing id3lib on my webhosting server

Hi, I need to install the id3lib on my webhosting server (developer hosting from Railsplayground). Being a noob, I am asking how to do this. I am hoping it's as simple as dropping the file in my server ;) ...

How to position the split line caused by background repeat.

I would like to have a repeat-x on my body background for a web site, but the background is 1024 wide, so on wider displays, the line where the image begins again will be positioned to the right of the body, and possibly visible. My content is in a div 800 wide centred on the body. I would like the 'split' like from the repeating backg...

JQuery, hide not working in Firefox

Hello, I am currently working on building a very simple site for an open source research project for my University. I am using JQuery to animate the sub-navigation of the site. However, my code only seems to work in IE and not Firefox or Chrome. I'm not sure if it is a compatibility issue, or if it is my fault. I looked up examples on ...

how templates work on wordpress?

Does any have the idea of how wordpress works. I am very much curious about to know the working and flow of execution in wordpress. How they are managing the templates and htaccess controll follow etc. Help me and share your knowledge with me. ...

What is the best way to learn Silverlight?

I‘m planning on learn more about Silverlight by attending one of the following places. And from then (which I called/hope to be the foundation) I’ll have good solid background and information (I hope) about Silverlight. The question is, which one is good enough for me as new developer to Silverlight in terms of content and value. The fi...

Recommended reading on 'how the web works'

After about 4 years of winforms development with VB.Net and C#, I moved onto web development using standard ASP.NET webforms (which I've been doing for the last year and a half). What I'm realising now though is how little I actually know about how the web works. This is partly laziness on my part but partly due to the level of abstract...

How to Prevent SPAM without CAPTCHAs or a Centrally managed system (e.g. akismet)

Has anyone been able to successfully prevent spam on their site without placing a burden on your visitor (e.g. CAPTCHA) and without using a centralized spam reporting system (e.g. Akismet) I've found this & it looks promising, but doesn't contain detailed deployment instructions. I want to present my web forms without burdening my user...

Wordpress: Can one page have two parents?

I am developing a small site using Wordpress.org and would like multiple parents to share a child page. The purpose is that users coming to the site will for example associate "Rental Assistance" child page with the "Programs" parent and the "Housing" parent. EDIT: I do not want to simply duplicate the content since this is redundant a...