
CSS Positioning Question - Tables vs. Absolute vs. DL

I'd like to align label/value pairs in the center using CSS without using absolute positioning or tables (see screen shot). In that screen shot I positioned the value (ie. $4,500/wk) absolute and then floated the label right up against it. But absolute doesn't work so well in IE and I've heard it's not a good technique. But how can I ...

Best way to utilize single codebase for multiple web sites

What is the best method for utilizing a single code base for multiple websites? We have validation and session management libraries that we use on multiple websites. Is there a best practice for keeping a single copy rather than having to maintain updates of local copies for each website? ...

Build "exit" page using Classic ASP avoiding major Cross Site Scripting pitfalls

I'm working on updating a classic ASP web page used by a number of sub-sites maintained at the company I work for. The purpose of the page is to notify the user that they are leaving "our" site and going to another site. It's basically a disclaimer, but due to resource limitations and time limitations I can't add the disclaimer to every...

Better to develop cross-browser code up front or develop for one browser and go back and make it work in the others later?

I'm looking for feedback on peoples experiences with developing sites that work across browsers. It seems to me there are at least two obvious ways to approach the task of making your site/webapp work across browser: Constantly test across all supported browsers every step of the way; or Pick a browser, get everything working in it as...

What language/platform to choose for a new web application?

Suppose you have a great idea for a brand new web application: what would be your language/platform combination and why? In addition, suppose you have to develop your web app in an enterprise context. Would that change your original choice? ...

Will Django be a good choice for a permissions based web-app?

I've been exploring the details of Django for about a week now and like what I see. However I've come upon some.. negativity in relation to fine-grained control of permissions to the CRUD interface. What I'm writing is an Intranet client management web-app. The organisation is about 6 tiers, and I need to restrict access to client group...

IE borders breaking navigation

Hi, another issue in IE 6... link The navbar link list has a border applied to the left side of each element. In fireforx/safari this matches up with the navbar background but in IE the border/element spills out below the navbar ( the border sticks out the bottom). EDIT: ALSO, the navbar is the entire length of the blue header in IE...

Detecting 'stealth' web-crawlers

What options are there to detect web-crawlers that do not want to be detected? (I know that listing detection techniques will allow the smart stealth-crawler programmer to make a better spider, but I do not think that we will ever be able to block smart stealth-crawlers anyway, only the ones that make mistakes.) I'm not talking about t...

What is the best way to develop a shopping site, that others can use.

I'd like to develop an ecommerce site where I could allow others to sell items, things like pictures, videos, flash, etc. I want to be able to keep a percentage, and pay the rest back to the seller. Is there anything available, DotNetNuke, etc. that would do this or help get this started. If not what's a good way to approach this with t...

What's the best way to open new browser window?

I know that most links should be left up to the end-user to decide how to open, but we can't deny that there are times you almost 'have to' force into a new window (for example to maintain data in a form on the current page). What I'd like to know is what the consensus is on the 'best' way to open a link in a new browser window. I know...

How to: Cross-Site posting and redirection in ASP.NET webforms

Scenario: The task I have at hand is to enable a single-signon solution between different organizations/websites. I start as an authenticated user on one organization's website, convert specific information into an Xml document, encrypt the document with triple des, and send that over as a post variable to the second organizations login...

prefilling dynamically created textbox with javascript in IE

I'm trying to dynamically add some textboxes (input type=text) to a page in javascript and prefill them. The textboxes are coming up, but they are coming up empty. What is the proper way to pre-fill a textbox. Ideally I'd love to use the trick of creating a child div, setting the innerhtml property, and then adding that div to the par...

How can I create a YUI menu where you can click to open the submenus?

We have a multi-tiered/hierarchical YUI menu activated via a YUI menu button. Everything in this menu works pretty well. If you mouseover a menu item with a submenu, the submenu appears as expected. You can select an item from this submenu just fine. The problem, however, is that you can also click on the parent items of this menu ...

Unknown property 'MozOpacity' - meaning?

I'm using Chris Pederick's Firefox addon "Web Developer 1.1.6". I get this warning when hitting a certain web page on my site: Unknown property 'MozOpacity'. Declaration dropped. What does this mean and how can I fix this on my site? ...

ColdFusion vs PHP

Can anyone share with me (without fervent evangelism, please) any comparative experiences you might have with regard to ColdFusion and PHP in developing internal enterprise browser-based applications? Specifically (but not limited to): 1: Do the rapid-development characteristics of ColdFusion compensate for any performance issues resu...

Can my employer stop me freelancing? (UK)

Hi all, I had an interview recently where my prospective employer wanted to me to sign something promising I wouldn't do any web design work outside of their company, i.e. no freelancing. Are they allowed to do that? Surely if it's in my own time & doesn't interfere with my 9-5 I should be allowed to do as i wish. If someone can think...

Why do browsers not have a file upload progress bar?

I wonder why no browser out there has such simple but essential feature. Am I missing something? Is there a technical reason? I'm tired of all those javascript/flash/java hacks out there ... ...

Does partial page caching exist outside of asp.net?

I use partial page caching with ASP.NET. I find it to be particularly helpful with large volume sites, where I need only certain sections of a page to cache. Do other web application platforms have this type of technology? ...

Best LAMP setup for PHP development

I'm a very novice Linux user, and am in the market for a new (virtual) machine after my last (physical) server has annoyed me for the last time, and threatens to die at any moment taking years of hard work with it. I need a LAMP server for web-development (thus require LAMP + SVN + (Trac + Python) at a minimum). Having trawled around th...


Anyone know of a free SMS API I can integrate in my web application that will enable my users to send a limited amount of free SMS messages? ...