
CakePHP Pagination with Webservice

Hi, I am invoking a web service and get data. The result has "TotalPages", "TotalResults" information. Based on this, I need to generate a paging mechanism using cakephp. Please share some code snippet or advise me on how to achieve this. ...

Perl web-service (server) best practices

I'm currently using a modified HTTP::Daemon::Threaded server in combination with SOAP::WSDL and Pod::WSDL to provide web services used by a variety of client types and roles. ---- that's not the question, the following is ----- I'd like to arrive at an optimal solution (as far as is possible) with respect to the following topics: Req...

Java Axis web service project dependency not found

Hi. I have an Axis (1.4) web service (running on Tomcat 6.0.20) that is working fine until I try to use any class from another project. I have my web service project and another project containing business logic. I have added the business logic project as a project dependency/reference in my web service project. package MyProject.serv...

Compact Framework 2.0: is it possible to abort an asynchronous Web Services call?

Hello! I have a custom control that make asynchronous Web Services calls. I wonder if I can dispose the control while an asynchronous call hasn't ended: I make the call, and before I get the response I dispose the object. What must I do before I get the response to dispose the custom control safetly? Thank you! ...

Using ASP.NET WebService with javascript

Hi evrery one! I have this code in my project: var UI = { Layouts: { ShowLayoutSettings: function(pid, lid) { My.PageServices.GetPageLayout(lid, pid, UI.Layouts._onShowLayoutSettings); }, _onShowLayoutSettings: function(obj) { alert(obj.ID); } } } and in my asp.net project a web service named PageSer...

Do you use a flag or make it two operations?

An interesting discussion arose today around the concept of having one method with flags versus two methods for each state of the flag. Which makes more sense and why? void Submit(object data, bool isDraft); or void Submit(object data); void SubmitAsDraft(object data); I am tending toward the later, where each operation explicitly...

Wrapping REST API - Coding Styles Standards

If you are wrapping an API which has different coding style guidelines to the programming languages you are using, do you create an interface that complies with the languages style guidelines or expose the implementation to the user of the API wrapper. A specific example is for ruby and python variables are usually all lowercase and use...

Http 404: Not Found (WebException)

Hi, I am using a console app/class library to invoke a asp.net web service. The class library queries the database and sends the data to the web service. What I notice is that when the amount of data is huge (with 20 columns and 18K records), i get a HTTP 404: Not Found exception from the web service. I have tried increasing the maxReq...

Books on Web services scalability

Can anyone point me to some books on Web services scalability? EDIT Thank you for your answers. What I was looking for was a bit more specific. Basically scalability in an SOA architecture. I was able to find a couple of books that helped: Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Con...

Axis Web Service Keep Alive

I have an axis web service running in Tomcat. Clients are making connections without sending a Connection: close header in HTTP 1.1 which means that the default is Keep-Alive. Unfortunately the client seems to be having a problem and when it gets an exception the client is not closing the connection. Since these clients are sending lots ...

Does a .NET Web Service instantiate with each method call?

I'm trying out web services for an idea I've had. Running in debug it looks like the web service class instantiates each time a client calls a method in the web service. I can see this by seeing that the constructor gets called each time I call a method. I only instantiate the proxy web service once in the client. This would mean I wou...

Publishing an ASP.net Webservice

I have a solution with a number of projects in.. One of these projects is a web application, another is a web service. The web app references the web service, and uses the methods in there. In production, the web application will be hosted on one server, while the xml web service will be on another. My question is, how do i deploy this...

Patterns for accessing remote data with Core Data?

I am trying to write a Core Data application for the iPhone that uses an external data source. I'm not really using Core Data to persist my objects but rather for the object life-cycle management. I have a pretty good idea on how to use Core Data for local data, but have run into a few issues with remote data. I'll just use Flickr's API ...

Update files as different User

Im trying to create a synchronization between [Unfuddle][1] and my local server so that when there is a SVN commit on Unfuddle, my local server's code automatically gets updated. Unfuddle provides a callback and I can get the callback when a commit is made. Now my webserver runs as the user called "apache", but all the files that are ex...

Custom web server control fails when calling a web service

Hello all, I've created a web server control, it works fine. Problems start when I try calling an external web service. I am using a script manager and it's directed to the following location --> http:\localhost\UserNamesData.asmx. My server control creates some html controls as well some javascript code. When the user clicks a submit ...

How to make custom WCF error handler return JSON response with non-OK http code?

I'm implementing a RESTful web service using WCF and the WebHttpBinding. Currently I'm working on the error handling logic, implementing a custom error handler (IErrorHandler); the aim is to have it catch any uncaught exceptions thrown by operations and then return a JSON error object (including say an error code and error message - e.g....

WCF server-side timeout

Is there a way to tell a WCF service to response to a request (with or without aborting it's processing) after a certain amount of time, even if it didn't finish yet, something like a server-side timeout policy? ...

Web Services - Put vs Post vs Get

I am currently reviewing some code for colleagues on a different project and they are using a WCF ReST web service. My concern is that for each of their methods, only the HTTP protocol POST has been specified. This is true whether the actual method is responsible for getting, updating or creating records. Should web services at all ti...

Problem in calling web service from javascript at FaceBook

I have an application released at facebook platform (Iframe application) at the following link FaceBookGame Application and the problem now is that i am using ajax technique in the application by calling web service from javascript and i have created the web service and allowed the web service to be called from script by preceeding the w...

Architecture ideas for static resource (images) web server?

We're looking at removing all of the static resources (mainly images) in our ASP.NET 2.0 web app, and moving them to their own separate server. The main design requirements are for speed (so caching will be important) and a minimal level of security (so that people can't just directly download or rip off the images). Using a plain .net 2...